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SIC Description for 6111
Description for 6111: Federal and Federally-Sponsored Credit Agencies

Division H: Finance, Insurance, And Real Estate
Major Group 61: Non-depository Credit Institutions

Industry Group 611: Federal And Federally-sponsored Credit Agencies

6111 Federal and Federally-Sponsored Credit Agencies

Establishments of the Federal Government and federally-sponsored credit agencies primarily engaged in guaranteeing, insuring, or making loans. Federally-sponsored credit agencies are established under authority of Federal legislation, but are not regarded as part of the government. They are often owned by their members or borrowers.
  • Banks for cooperatives
  • Commodity Credit Corporation
  • Export-Import Bank
  • Farmers Home Administration
  • Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
  • Federal Intermediate Credit Bank
  • Federal Land Banks
  • Federal National Mortgage Association
  • Government National Mortgage Association
  • National Consumer Cooperative Bank
  • Rural Electrification Administration
  • Student Loan Marketing Association
  • Synthetic Fuels Corporation

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