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SIC Description for 2393
Description for 2393: Textile Bags

Division D: Manufacturing
Major Group 23: Apparel And Other Finished Products Made From Fabrics And Similar Materials

Industry Group 239: Miscellaneous Fabricated Textile Products

2393 Textile Bags

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing shipping and other industrial bags from purchased fabrics. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing plastics bags are classified in Industry 2673; those manufacturing laundry, wardrobe, shoe, and other textile house furnishing bags are classified in Industry 2392; and those manufacturing luggage are classified in Industry 3161.
  • Bags and containers, textile: except sleeping bags insulated or
  • Bags, textile: including canvas except laundry, garment, and
  • Duffel bags, canvas
  • Flour bags, fabric-mfpm
  • Knapsacks, canvas
  • Tea bags, fabric-mfpm

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