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SIC Description for 3647
Description for 3647: Vehicular Lighting Equipment

Division D: Manufacturing
Major Group 36: Electronic And Other Electrical Equipment And Components, Except Computer Equipment

Industry Group 364: Electric Lighting And Wiring Equipment

3647 Vehicular Lighting Equipment

Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing vehicular lighting equipment. Establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing sealed-beam lamps are classified in Industry 3641.
  • Aircraft lighting fixtures
  • Automotive lighting fixtures
  • Bicycle lamps
  • Boat and ship lighting fixtures
  • Clearance lamps and reflectors, motor vehicle
  • Dome lights, motor vehicle
  • Flasher lights, automobile
  • Fog lights, motor vehicle
  • Headlights (fixtures), vehicular
  • Lamps, marker and clearance: motor vehicle
  • Lighting fixtures, vehicular
  • Locomotive and railroad car lights
  • Marker lamps, motor vehicle
  • Motorcycle lamps
  • Parking lights, automotive
  • Reflectors, clearance: vehicular
  • Spotlights, motor vehicle
  • Tail lights, motor vehicle

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