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Keyword: "Caustic"AllAllAllAll

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Results 1 - 20 of 160
By Date
    Summary Nr Event Date Report ID Fat SIC Event Description
1 201505302 01/19/2005 0950614   2851 Employee Is Burned When Soaked By Solution Mixture
2 201504842 05/05/2004 0950614   2099 Employee Ingests Caustic Chemical And Is Hospitalized
3 201798295 03/25/2004 0950644   3356 Employee'S Finger Is Amputated While Moving A Drum
4 200101905 01/26/2004 0522300 X 4213 Employee Dies After Falling Into A Caustic Tanker
5 201486057 12/13/2003 0950627   8711 Employee Is Burned While Operating A Vacuum Truck
6 201156999 06/22/2003 0950633   7539 Employee Suffers Acid Burns
7 200052017 12/29/2002 0728900   1796 Employee Injured By Chemical Burn From Potassium Hydroxide
8 201406592 12/28/2002 0552651   1711 Employee Injured By Caustic Solution Dumped Into Drain
9 200642544 07/11/2002 0627700   1311 Three Employees Burned From Chemical Splash
10 201620820 09/05/2001 1054116   2033 Employee Is Burned By Discharge Of Sodium Hydroxide Cleanser
11 201632007 08/02/2001 1054112 X 3325 One Employee Killed, Two Others Burned By Chemicals
12 201083094 07/31/2001 0950625   1781 Employees Burned When Caustic Soda Splashed
13 200040509 07/19/2001 0653510 X 1311 Employee Killed When Splashed By Caustic Substance
14 201083086 06/20/2001 0950625   1781 Employee Burned While Mixing Caustic Soda
15 200051225 06/04/2001 0728900   3494 Employee Burned By Sodium Hydroxide Beads
16 200650455 04/29/2001 0521100   2621 Employees Exposed To Release Of Steam And Caustic Mist
17 201794427 03/31/2001 0950644   5143 Two Employees Injured When Scalded By Descaling Operation
18 201113024 02/03/2001 0950643   3462 Employee Has Burns From Splashed Caustic Soda Powder
19 200800399 10/27/2000 0523300   2097 Employee Burned When Sprayed By Ammonia
20 200031144 10/07/2000 0521700 X 4953 Employee Dies From Exposure To Hydrogen Sulfide

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