US Climate Change Science Program Updated 17 October 2006

Instructions for Submission of
Comments on Draft Prospectus for Product 2.4




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Note to Reviewers:
Please refer to the PDF version of the prospectus when submitting comments. As per instructions, comments must refer to line numbers listed in the PDF file

See also the Federal Register notice of 17 October 2006

Also available:
CCSP Synthesis and Assessment Products. Four-page background document (dated September 2007). In addition, it is available as a PDF file and can be ordered in hardcopy from the GCRIO Online Catalog

Please follow these instructions for preparing and submitting your review. A sample format sheet is provided below. Send your comments as an e-mail attachment to by 16 November 2006 [comment period now closed].

In making comments:

  • Please refer to PDF version of prospectus when submitting comments. As per instructions, comments must refer to line numbers listed in the PDF file.
  • Provide complete contact information.  The Climate Change Science Program Office (CCSPO) may need to contact you seeking clarification.
  • Provide specific language for deletions, additions, and/or amendments.
  • Avoid auto-formatting and do not embed comments in tables.
  • Organize your comments into “general comments” that apply to the entire product, and “specific comments” that apply to page and line numbers. Organize the specific comments in page and line number sequence, as per the sample format below. Insert your name and affiliation after each comment.
  • Do not number your comments and do not use terminology such as “ditto” or “see above”, since your comments will be collated by page and line numbers into a compilation with comments from others.

Sample Format for Comments

I. Background Information

Name(s):  John Doe
Organization(s): University College
Mailing Address(es): 101 1st Street, New York, New York, 10001
Phone(s): 800-555-5555
Fax(es): 800-555-6666
Area of Expertise: Atmospheric Composition

II. General Comments

First General:  (Comment)
Reviewer's name, affiliation: John Doe, University College

Second General Comment: (Comment)
Reviewer's name, affiliation: John Doe, University College

III. Specific Comments

Page 57, Line 5: (Comment)
John Doe, University College

Page 58, Line 32 - Page 59, Line 5: (Comment)
John Doe, University College

Table 1-4, Row 3, Column 6: (Comment)
John Doe, University College

Please send comments by email to:


US Climate Change Science Program, Suite 250, 1717 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20006. Tel: +1 202 223 6262. Fax: +1 202 223 3065. Email: . Web: Webmaster:
US Climate Change Science Program Home Page