Massachusetts Awarded $4 Million to Enhance Charter Schools
Archived Information

May 5, 2004
Contact: David Thomas
(202) 401-1576

Massachusetts has been awarded a grant for $4 million to enhance its charter schools, thus providing more educational options for parents, U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige announced today.

"Charter schools are part of a multiple delivery system for education that includes public schools, home schools, cyber schools, private schools and parochial schools," Paige said. "The more choices parents have, the better they will be able to pick the right environment for their child. Empowered with options and information, parents can help their children achieve and succeed."

On behalf of Secretary Paige, regional representative Michael Sentance presented the grant to Gov. Mitt Romney during an event to celebrate National Charter Schools Week at the Roxbury Preparatory Charter School in Roxbury. National Charter Schools Week runs May 3-7.

"Charter schools provide more choices in public education and encourage innovation and excellence," said Gov. Romney. "They hold teachers and administrators accountable for the educational success of their students and give parents the chance to make choices regarding their children's education."

The Charter Schools Facilities program provides funds on a competitive basis to help public and nonprofit entities leverage additional funds and obtain school facilities through such means as purchase, lease and donation. The grants may also be used to help charter schools construct and renovate school facilities.

Charter schools are public schools under contract or charter from a public agency to organizations that want to create alternatives within the public school system. Charter schools are free and open to all students. These schools provide enhanced parental choice and are exempt from many statutory and regulatory requirements.

This year marks the 12th anniversary of the opening of the first charter school. Since then almost 3,000 charter schools have opened in 38 states and the District of Columbia that educate more than 700,000 children.

Throughout this week, charter schools will host open houses and welcome the public to visit, learn and experience some of the activities that go on in charter schools.

The creation and support of charter schools are key elements of the No Child Left Behind Act - President Bush's plan to make sure every child in America receives a quality education.

This year, the administration is providing $256 million in support for charter schools - a $32 million increase over last year's funding.

President Bush's proposed 2005 budget continues his commitment to charter schools, with a total request of almost $320 million, including $100 million for the Credit Enhancement for Charter Schools Facilities Program, which assists charter schools in acquiring, leasing and renovating school facilities through competitive grants to public and nonprofit entities for loan guarantees, insuring debt and other activities that facilitate private lending.



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Last Modified: 05/05/2004