National Summit Goal: Taking What Works into the Classroom
Teacher Appreciation Week Announcement Honors Educators; Dates for Workshops Set
Archived Information

May 4, 2004
Contact: Jane Glickman or Stephanie Babyak
(202) 401-1576

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Announcement of Teacher-to-Teacher Initiative
New Website for Teachers

This summer, a national summit will team up prominent education researchers and effective teachers with the goal of translating research on improving student achievement into practice in the classroom. The U.S. Department of Education's Research-to-Practice Summit will be held in Washington, D.C., on July 20, Secretary of Education Rod Paige announced today.

"I am especially pleased to announce the date for the national summit as we recognize and honor our nation's dedicated educators during this Teacher Appreciation Week," Paige said. "The summit will showcase teachers and researchers who have undertaken significant research that has been shown to improve student learning in the classroom. There is a great deal of knowledge about what works in education. The challenge is to make that information accessible to teachers in clear and useful ways so that they, in turn, can foster student learning and improve student achievement."

In April, Paige announced the new Teacher-to-Teacher initiative, which includes roundtable discussions with teachers, summer workshops on strategies for closing the achievement gap, the national Research-to-Practice Summit, and e-mail updates with information for teachers on research and developments in the profession.

The schedule for the summer workshops is:

Denver, Colo., June 21-23; Portland, Ore., June 28-30; Pittsburgh, Pa., July 6-8; Orlando, Fla., July 12-14; Anaheim, Calif., July 21-23; St. Louis, Mo., July 28-30; Boston, Mass., August 2-4.

"As secretary of education, I have had the opportunity—and the distinct privilege—to visit schools and classrooms across the country and to see great teachers in action. Great teachers inspire, challenge and are dedicated to the academic success of all their children. Our new Teacher-to-Teacher initiative honors these educators, highlights effective teaching strategies, and offers teachers support. The No Child Left Behind Act can succeed only if teachers succeed," Paige said.

More information on the Teacher-to-Teacher initiative is available at



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