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Remarks at Workforce Recruitment Program Reception

W. Roy Grizzard, Ed. D.
Assistant Secretary
U. S. Department of Labor

Washington, DC
August 10, 2005

As a former educator, I am always pleased to be among students. As Assistant Secretary for Disability Employment Policy, I am proud to be among students participating in the Workforce Recruitment co-sponsored by ODEP.

I am proud of each and every one of the 350 students who have participated in this program during the summer – with about 100 of you working here in Washington – including 25 at the Department of Labor.

I also think it is important to note that your work experience would not have been possible without a significant team effort among federal agencies.

First and foremost, I want to acknowledge our partner in this program – the U. S. Department of Defense – represented here today by John Molino, Acting Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Equal Opportunity.

I also want to acknowledge – and urge each of the students to thank – the recruiters who brought your credentials to the attention of the agencies, the agency coordinators who worked with managers and supervisors to help you get the job, and the supervisors and managers in the 16 federal agencies who hired you – and gave you this important work experience.

I trust that you have had a valuable experience this summer. For many of you, I know this may have been your first job. I hope that you have taken advantage not only of learning new skills but also testing your career path.

Some of you now have experience in your chosen field. Some of you may have learned that you are on the wrong career path. And, that's just fine. That's one of the benefits of a summer internship. Now you can go back to your college, and work with your advisor to get you on the right track.

And, I sincerely hope that the "right track" for many of you will be a career in public service – whether it be at the federal, state or local level. I have seen personally the skills and talents that former WRP students bring to the federal government.

In fact, I'm proud to say that the ODEP staff includes four WRP alumni. They are each working in our policy area: Jennifer Kemp, Alicia Epstein, Rachel Dorman and Nadia Ibrahim. Jennifer and Rachel work on youth policy. Nadia is part of our Employer Policy Team, and Alicia works on research.

What you bring to any job will help to determine your success. That includes not only your skills, but your attitude as well. Both a positive attitude toward the work and a belief in your ability to succeed. I firmly believe that "attitude determines altitude."

Recently I gave a speech on the importance of networking to your career. And, today is certainly an opportunity for networking with your peers and other federal employees. So, I'll stop talking now, and let you get on with it.

Enjoy the reception!

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Workforce Recruitment Program

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National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability

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March 2009

Percentage of people with disabilities in the labor force:


Unemployment rate of persons with a     disability:



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