Federal Communications Commission

[ FCC Seal
Updated December 1, 1997

Audio Services Division

Mass Media Bureau -- Federal Communications Commission
3rd Floor -- 1919 M Street NW -- Washington, DC 20554

FM Directional Antenna Program Test Authority Requirements

This document summarizes the information which is required with an FM commercial or FM noncommercial application for license to cover the installation of a directional antenna. Questions may be directed to the Technical Processing Group at 202-418-2720.

The data contained herein has been updated to reflect the changes adopted by the Report and Order in MM Docket 96-58 ( Word Perfect 5.1 version), which became effective on December 1, 1997. This Report and Order revised Section 73.316, 73.1620, and 73.1690, in addition to other broadcast rule sections.


FM Commercial applicants filing a license application to cover a directional antenna installation pursuant to a construction permit should be aware that TWO filing fee payments must be made: Fee Code MHR for the FM License Application (Form 302-FM) and Fee Code MLR for the FM Directional Antenna. See the Mass Media Services Fee Filing Guide. There is no application filing fee for FM noncommercial educational license applicants.


* The manufacturer's Antenna Proof of Performance must provide:

* Description of antenna model, along with a narrative or graphic description. (i.e., full-scale or scaled model.) See Public Notice released September 14, 1984.

* Polar plot of the measured horizontally and vertically polarized horizontal plane patterns on manufacturer's letterhead. See 73.316(c)(2).

* The measured horizontally and vertically polarized horizontal plane pattern must be normalized to a relative field strength of 1.0, where the relative field strength of 1.0 corresponds to the maximum effective radiated power. See 73.316(c)(2).

* The measured horizontally and vertically polarized horizontal plane patterns can not exceed the relative field pattern authorized in the underlying construction permit at any azimuth. See Public Notice released September 14, 1984. Should the measured pattern extend beyond the authorized composite pattern, an application to modify the construction permit must be submitted and granted by the staff before program test operations may commence.

* For FM commercial stations authorized pursuant to 47 CFR Section 73.215 (contour protection rule), or for all noncommercial educational FM stations on the reserved band (Channels 201 through 220), the RMS of the measured relative field horizontal plane pattern (a single pattern encompassing both the measured horizontally and vertically polarized horizontal plane patterns) must be at least 85% of the RMS of the composite relative field pattern authorized in the underlying construction permit. If the measured composite pattern cannot achieve 85% RMS of the authorized composite pattern, it is permissible to include an exhibit to reduce the authorized composite pattern to make the two patterns comply with this requirement, provided that the authorized ERP does not change. See 47 CFR Section 73.316(c)(9).

*Tabulation of the measured horizontally and vertically polarized horizontal plane patterns. See 73.316(c)(3).

* Rectangular plot of the vertical plane pattern (measured or calculated based on measurement data for a single element) above and below the horizontal plane to demonstrate the absence of undesirable lobes in the vertical plane. See 73.316(c)(4).

* Manufacturer Certification. A signed statement to certify that the information in the proof of performance is correct. See Public Notice released September 14, 1984.

* To demonstrate the directional antenna was properly installed, the Applicant Must Provide:

* Engineer Certification. A signed statement listing the qualifications of the engineer overseeing installation of the antenna and a certification that the antenna was properly installed based on the manufacturer's specifications. See 73.316(c)(8), (c)(5), (c)(6), and (c)(7).

* Surveyor Certification. A signed statement from a licensed surveyor to certify that the antenna is oriented along the azimuth specified by the manufacturer. See 73.316(c)(8).

* Demonstration of Compliance With Section 73.1692, if the antenna is mounted on an AM tower or on a tower in an AM array.

* If the antenna installation is made in accordance with the station's authorization, the station may commence program test operations at half power while the staff reviews the license application (FCC Form 302-FM) and the directional antenna exhibits. (Alternatively, the station may continue to operate with its licensed facilities until program test authority is approved, if it so desires.) The review process generally takes about 10 days from the date that the license application is filed with the Commission. To speed processing, please alert James Crutchfield, jcrutchf@fcc.gov [fax (202) - 418 - 1410 ] of the date that the license application was filed, and provide him with an extra copy of the license application. See 47 CFR Section 73.1620(a)(2).

* Modification of License applicants filing a license application to replace an authorized directional antenna may commence program test operations at half power, or, if the antenna is an exact replacement (no change in manufacturer, antenna model number, AND measured composite pattern) at the full authorized power. See 47 CFR Sections 73.1620(a)(3), Section 73.1690(c)(2).

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