Paige Issues Statement on the Resignation of Deputy Secretary Eugene W. Hickok
Archived Information

December 2, 2004
Contact: Susan Aspey
(202) 401-1576

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Hickok's Resignation Letter

U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige today issued the following statement on the resignation of Deputy Secretary of Education Eugene W. Hickok. Hickok announced that he is resigning at the end of January 2005.

"I am proud to have served alongside Gene Hickok, who has dutifully and tirelessly worked on behalf of America's children, ensuring that they are part of a system that gives each and every one of them the attention they deserve and academic tools for success.

"Gene has served at this Department since the beginning of the George W. Bush administration, first as under secretary and for the past year and a half as deputy secretary. He brought to this Department a deep understanding of education policy from the states' perspective, having served previously as Pennsylvania's secretary of education, which has been an enormously valuable perspective for us all. His policy acumen and knowledge of the Constitution have been tremendously helpful as No Child Left Behind went from an idea to legislative language to passage into law. He had broad responsibility for implementation, helping shape guidance, regulations and other means for states, local education agencies and schools to get their respective jobs done. He has also been a talented leader in the fight to introduce other important types of reforms that increase choices and empower parents, such as the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program and charter schools.

"Gene inspired many Department employees. I thank him for his service, dedication, and selfless devotion to the cause of our nation's children and their futures."



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Last Modified: 12/02/2004