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Education and Training in Mexico

Partnership for International Education recognizes Commercial Service support to succeed in Mexico

Market Overview

Mexico remains the seventh-leading country of origin for students studying in the United States, with over 14,000 Mexican students enrolled mainly in undergraduate programs. About 50% of Mexican students who decide to study abroad choose the U.S. because of the strong commercial ties between the countries, as well as the prestige of the higher education system in the United States.

There is a growing demand for English language competency within Mexican higher education. In order to increase the knowledge of a second language in this competitive market, several Mexican private universities use the TOEFL Institutional exam as a requirement for students in all fields of study. It is estimated that between 4-6% of Mexican ESL students travel abroad for intensive English programs.

Training Services

As a result of the competition in the global market, forward-looking companies and institutions are developing and promoting a new working culture that increases personal and professional development opportunities for their employees.

Due to the world’s difficult economic situation and the uncertainty of the exchange rate between the peso-dollar, the demand for educational programs within companies, as well as students traveling abroad looking for 4 year academic programs, will be affected; therefore, it is important to develop a strategy that includes more scholarships, dual programs, exchange programs as well as distance learning/training options.

Best Prospects/Services

English as a Second Language Programs for students and executive language proficiency short-term programs;

Corporate training programs in management, leadership, time management;

Short – term technical education programs;

Dual-degree undergraduate programs focusing on international business, management, finance, technology, engineering, and the environment.


Potential opportunities for U.S. schools and universities include: recruiting Mexican students to study in the U.S., agreements with local schools/universities to offer joint programs, dual certification and exchange programs for students and professors.

Training programs in technical and executive areas, as well as human development.


Some useful resources in this sector include:

Education USA – Mexico

Secretaría de Educación Pública

Asociación Nacional de Universidades y Escuelas de Educación Superior

Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología

Institute of International Education 

Asociación Mexicana para la Educación Internacional

Market Research

Distance Learning Market in Mexico

Distance learning is an emerging sector in the Mexican market and can offer good growth opportunities to U.S. universities, educational institutions, training providers and other content developers. With over 20 million Internet users in Mexico, e-learning has become a good option to provide lower cost or remote programs in the education and training sectors.

Education has been a top priority for the Mexican government in the last 6 years. The government has invested not only in infrastructure, but also in creating more resources to train more people in order to compete in the global market.

U.S. institutions and e-learning training companies have a good potential in Mexico by partnering with Mexican higher education institutions and training companies to offer and develop e-learning programs.

Educational Allicances Between U.S. & Mexican Universities

The need for strong international programs in higher education has become more important among Mexican Universities in order to turn out graduates that can function in an increasingly complex global environment. Private and public universities in Mexico are looking to develop more and deeper relationships with international universities to offer exchange programs and dual degree programs. Mexican universities are seeking new ways to provide diverse, multicultural and international educational experiences for their students.

U.S. schools have the opportunity to partner with Mexican higher education private institutions to offer exchange programs and /or dual degrees. However, international competition is fierce. U.S. institutions should pay close attention to program development and partnership opportunities.  

Manpower Training Opportunities in the Mexican Market

During the last couple of years some significant changes have been identified in the training sector in Mexico (public & private sectors). In the past, training services were not considered a priority; but now, training has become considered a need in order for an organization to be competitive. Investment in human resources, through lifelong learning, is of critical importance for enterprises concerned with improving their productivity and competitiveness in global markets.

Training companies have a large market to explore in Mexico. There is a growing demand for programs in executive management, marketing, sales management, leadership, quality control, and executive language.

However, competition with local providers is fierce. U.S. providers should pay close attention to program development (in Spanish) and partnership opportunities. 

English As a Second Language Market in Mexico

The importance Mexican citizens place on having a command of the English language is a trend that has resulted from Mexico’s role as player in the world economy and international politics, and even more specifically as a result of growing economic and cultural interdependence between Mexico and the United States. The United States is the largest foreign investor in Mexico, its largest trading partner, the leading source of its international tourists, and the preferred destination for Mexican nationals seeking graduate education.


Richland College Testimonial

"Richland College found participation in EDUTEXAS “The Lone Star Education Fair” to be most beneficial. The United States Department of Commerce, the United States Consulate in Monterrey, and the Office of the Secretary of Education for the State of Nuevo Leon did an excellent job of coordinating this recruitment effort..." Please click here to read full text

Partnership for International Education Testimonial

"Now that the dust has settled down, we want to take this opportunity to thank you for the tremendous task that [CS] accomplished for The Partnership in recommending and implementing the Mexico GKS. Martha Sanchez was outstanding first in identifying nine great potential partner organizations, and then making appointments and smoothly coordinating every single one of them...." Please click here to read full text.

EducationUSA - México

Directorio de entidades gubernamentales y privadas que colaboran en México para ofrecer servicios y oportunidades de estudio en los Estados Unidos.
La Misión Diplomática de Estados Unidos en México cuenta con diversas secciones, agencias y programas que apoyan el desarrollo del acercamiento de las relaciones México-Estados Unidos en el campo de la educación superior bajo el esquema de Education USA – MEXICO. Haga click aquí para conocer más sobre los diferentes programas dentro del área educativa.

Further Information, Comments or Questions

If you wish to write us regarding these reports, please contact Martha Sanchez, Trade Specialist on Education and Training in Mexico Sector of the US Commercial Service Mexico City Office.