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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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3 Main Locations
Geoffrey E. Brink
Glen A. Broderick
Michael D. Casler
Wayne K. Coblentz
John H. Grabber
Mary Beth Hall
Ronald D. Hatfield
William Jokela
Hans-Joachim G. Jung
David R. Mertens
Richard E. Muck
J. Mark Powell
Heathcliffe Riday
James B. Russell
Michael P. Russelle
Michael Sullivan
Peter A. Vadas
Richard P. Walgenbach
Paul J. Weimer

Michael D. Casler
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U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center: Michael D. Casler
Michael D. Casler

Research Plant Geneticist
US Dairy Forage Research Center
USDA-Agricultural Research Service
BS, Agronomy, 1976, University of Illinois
MS, Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics, 1979, University of Minnesota
PhD, Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics, 1980, University of Minnesota

Phone: (608) 890-0065
Fax: (608) 890-0076
E-mail: Michael.Casler@ars.usda.gov

Current Research
• Designing forage plants with enhanced value for dairy production, profitability, and sustainability.
• Value-added products from forages and biomass energy crops.

Link to scientist's current research

Last Modified: 04/11/2008
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