TV Show, Webcast to Spotlight Keeping Kids Physically Fit and Learning During the Summer Months
Archived Information

June 14, 2004
Contact: Jim Bradshaw
(202) 401-2310

As America's students embark upon their summer vacations, the U.S. Education Department's monthly TV show, "Education News Parents Can Use," airing Tuesday will spotlight ways to keep children physically fit and learning throughout the year.

The program will feature interviews with department officials and guests who will discuss the value of long-term health, fitness and mental and physical vitality in promoting learning. Research tells us that children's nutrition and physical activity have a direct impact on academic achievement and positive behaviors.

A number of cable services across the nation will carry the program -- many live -- from 8-9 p.m., EDT. In Washington, the show will appear live on Channel 28, the D.C. Public Schools cable channel.

A complete listing of viewer options is posted at In addition, the program will be webcast at

"Healthy bodies and healthy minds go hand-in-hand," said U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige. "Parents can play a vital role in their child's academic achievement by keeping them stimulated during the summer to exercise their bodies and challenge their minds."

Tuesday night's show will cover such points as:

  • The link between nutrition and fitness and learning.
  • Tips to help parents encourage a lifelong commitment to health and fitness by their children.
  • Ways parents can ensure that their children continue to read and achieve during the summer months.
  • Key components of comprehensive health and fitness programs in schools.
  • Resources the U.S. Department of Education offers that help schools create comprehensive health and fitness programs.

Guests include: Deborah A. Price, deputy under secretary with the Office of Safe and Drug Free Schools; Sarah Lee, physical fitness specialist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Dot Richardson, physician and Olympian with the President's Council on Physical Fitness & Sports; Karen Cowan, coordinator of K-12 fitness and health and activities with the Spokane, Wash., Public Schools; Charlene Burgeson with the National Association for Sport and Physical Education; and David Bowman, with Action for Healthy Kids and the Delaware State Department of Education.

Price will also discuss what parents and organizations can do throughout the year to keep students healthy and active as part of a segment with Keith Blanchard, chief professional officer of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Alachua County in Gainesville, Fla., and Artavia Roberson, executive director of Chicago Scores/America Scores.

In addition, Juliette Rizzo of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services will talk about fitness for children and youth with disabilities.

Details about the "Education News Parents Can Use" TV series can be found at



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