Paige Mourns Death Of Ronald Reagan
Archived Information

June 7, 2004
Contact: Lisette Mondello
(202) 401-1576

U.S. Secretary of Education Rod Paige released the following statement upon the death of former President Ronald Reagan on Saturday:

"Our hearts are heavy as we mourn the passing of President Ronald Reagan—our spirits soar as we remember all that he accomplished in his wonderful life. To the world, he was freedom's best friend and tyranny's greatest foe. To Americans, he was the leader whose strength and sunny optimism helped us rediscover our own strength and national purpose. President Reagan's legacy is felt in the classroom as well. He was not afraid to point out that we were 'A Nation at Risk,' and he led the drive for higher standards, accountability and greater educational choices. President Reagan believed that America is more than a nation; it is a promise and an ideal—a 'shining city on a hill.' Our thoughts and prayers go out to Nancy Reagan and the entire Reagan family."



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Last Modified: 06/07/2004