Pacific Southwest Region
California, Nevada and Klamath Basin

Survey Protocols

The standardized survey protocols provided are recommended for establishing the presence or absence of the following listed species:


Morro Bay Kangaroo Rat

San Joaquin Kit Fox


Coastal California Gnatcatcher

Least Bell's Vireo

Marbled Murrelet

Southwestern Willow Flycatcher

Yuma Clapper Rail

Reptiles and Amphibians

Arroyo Toad

California Tiger Salamander

California Red-legged Frog

Giant Garter Snake

Santa Cruz Long-toed Salamander


Laguna Mountains Skipper

Quino Checkerspot Butterfly


Morro Shoulderband Snail


Vernal Pool Branchiopods (Fairy Shrimp)



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The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is committed to providing information about its operations to the public. Please contact us if you need information from documents on our webiste in an alternate format.

Our contact mailing address
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
2800 Cottage Way, Suite W-2606
Sacramento, Calif., 95825
Phone: 916-414-6464
Fax: 916-414-6486

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Last updated: April 27, 2009