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Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS)

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The Office of Labor-Management Standards ensures union democracy, transparency, and financial integrity.

OLMS Mailing List Subscription Page

If you would like to receive via email periodic updates from the Office of Labor-Management Standards, including information about the revised Form LM-2 and the new Form T-1, enforcement results, and compliance assistance programs, you may subscribe to the OLMS Mailing List following the instructions below.

To Subscribe

If you would like to receive email from the OLMS Mailing List subscribe here. This will open a blank message in your email program. Check to make sure the phrase "Subscribe to OLMSNEWS" is in the subject line of the message, and send the message. You will be added to our mailing list.

Please note: If you are using AOL as your Internet Service Provider, you will not receive the news emails as AOL servers will block them. We suggest that you register to receive the new updates via an alternate email, if possible.

To Unsubscribe

If you no longer wish to receive email from the OLMS Mailing List, unsubscribe here. This will open a blank message in your email program. Check to make sure the phrase "Unsubscribe to OLMSNEWS" is in the subject line of the message, and send the message. You will be removed from our mailing list.

Addresses submitted to OLMS will only be used for sending these periodic updates. For additional information, consult DOL's Privacy Policy.

OLMS-News Mailings - Current Year - 2009

April 22nd, 2009: OLMS-News 06-09

March 30th, 2009: OLMS-News 05-09

March 19th, 2009: OLMS-News 04-09

March 19th, 2009: OLMS-News 03-09

February 23rd, 2009: OLMS-News 02-09

January 30th, 2009: OLMS-News 01-09


Past OLMS-News Mailings

OLMS News - 2008

OLMS News - 2007

OLMS News - 2006

OLMS News - 2005

OLMS News - 2004

OLMS News - 2003


Last Updated: 04/22/09


Phone Numbers