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Partner Profile

Location Pitman, NJ
Organization Type Information Technology
Percentage Green Power 44%
Organization-wide Purchase No
Environmental Web Page exit EPA
Partner Profile
Sony DADC is purchasing more than 83 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of green power annually, which is enough green power to meet 44 percent of the organization's purchased electricity use. Sony DADC's green power purchase is part of Sony's ongoing commitment to reducing its environmental impact globally. Sony has committed to achieving a 7% absolute reduction in CO2 emissions at its sites by 2010 compared to 2000 levels worldwide. "The purchase of renewable energy is one of many critical initiatives we are doing to reduce our carbon footprint," said Michael Frey, President, Sony DADC Americas. "Purchasing green power helps our organization become more sustainable, while also sending a message to others across the U.S. that supporting clean sources of electricity is a sound business decision and an important choice in reducing climate risk."

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