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Asia Now Regional Videoconference

Goal -- Provide regional videoconference products to meet the needs of U.S. companies interested in expanding their market base in the Asia Pacific region.

Benefits – The clients can assess market conditions, explore opportunities and meet potential clients while minimizing travel and cost. And the special benefit of the regional videoconferencing is that all parties can participate during work hours – much more convenient than videoconferences between Asia and the U.S.

Target Clients -- U.S. companies visiting one or more posts in the region, especially those doing a Gold Key Service or participating in a trade show/exhibition.

Target Posts -- The 14 participating Asia Now economies joining this initiative are Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Vladivostok.

Video Market Briefing (VMB) is a 30-minute market briefing to a U.S. company (or companies) tailored to the requests of the client company(ies). Briefing will be provided by a commercial officer, commercial specialist, representative from trade organization, representative from government departments, or a combination thereof. As you know, the VMB helps the U.S. companies understand market condition and encourages clients to use other CS services like Gold Key Service, IPS, Market Research, Platinum Key.

The Asia Now post providing the briefing is the “provider”, and the Asia Now post hosting the client is the “host”. The post with lower telephone charges from point-to-point will initiate the call.

  • Duration: 30 min
  • Fee: There is no charge for the market briefing. U.S. companies only need to pay for the cost of telephone line charges.
  • Lead time: 2 weeks

Video Gold Key Service (VGKS) will assist U.S. companies identify and “meet” potential representatives, distributors or partners via videoconference. Again, the post providing the meetings is the “provider” and the post hosting the client is the “host”. As in a normal Gold Key, the provider post will identify and screen suitable contacts, and schedule back-to-back one-on-one video meetings (45 min each) with 4 to 6 prospective local companies in one day.

  • Duration: 45 minutes per company, for 4 to 6 back-to-back meetings in one day.
  • Fee: Asia Now provider post’s regular Gold Key fee + telephone line charges
  • Lead time: 4 weeks

For further information please contact posts directly.