BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Asia Now Express Service -- Information in A Hurry

Asia Now Express Service

Do you have a question about market conditions and opportunities in Asia? Here's a fast, free and proven way to capture that information through our Asia Now network.

The Asia Now Express Service is a commitment by participating U.S. Commercial Service posts to provide you with free 24 hour turnaround time for important questions that can be answered with an hour or less of research. Participating posts will provide any readily available information and make quick inquiries on your behalf to help determine the best ways to enter or expand your presence in selected Asian markets. Typical information we can provide includes:

  • Advice on duty rates.
  • General information on relevant local standards for various products.
  • Publicly available information on local companies.
  • Free lists of "unqualified" potential agents and other business contacts. (We think that nothing beats our IPSs or GKSs but we also understand that sometimes you just want an unqualified list of contacts from our existing database or a local business directory.)

This list is just a sample. As long as it doesn't take us more than one hour to find it and doesn't cost anything to obtain, we'll research your request for free. A quote will be provided under the Flexible Market Research service for requests, including multiple requests, that will take more than one hour to complete.

This service has already been used by over 73 U.S. Export Assistance Centers (USEAC) on behalf of 167 U.S. exporters seeking market information. A recent example of this service comes from the Reno USEAC. They had a client who manufactured a water saving material. The company read about the severe drought in Australia and wanted names of municipalities and major golf courses. In less than 24 hours, the post's Commercial Specialist sent all this plus the latest environmental bulletin, all of which was easily available to her in less than an hour. The USEAC wrote the post: "Your information is priceless! It is perfect. Just what our company requests and needs." The company's representative now realizes there is great potential for their product and is signing up for a Gold Key service from CS Australia.

Let us know what type of information you are seeking and, if it is likely to take us around an hour or less to obtain, we'll do it for free. If we can't find the information in an hour, we will tell you that as well so you can consult with your local Export Assistance Center on an alternate approach. We also guarantee to provide you with an initial response to your request within 24 hours.

In return, we ask for just one thing -- if any success stories come out of these actions, please let us know!

Here is the list of participating posts. When you have a quick question, just send us an e-mail and you'll get a quick answer!

  • Australia/New Zealand
  • China (for a limited 3-month trial period)
  • Hong Kong
  • Indonesia
  • Korea
  • Malaysia
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand

Attention U.S. Exporters: The Asia Now Express Service is available through the U.S. Department of Commerce Export Assistance Center network to established, exporting companies. If you are just getting started in business, or seek general information on how to export, please visit the U.S. Government Export Portal, or call 1-800-USA TRAD(E).

We invite experienced exporters to request contact by a Trade Specialist about the Asia Now Express Service.