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Telecommunications Equipment- Taiwan

Telecommunications Equipment





                                                2004                  2005                  2006 (estimated)

Total Market Size                  $3,419.3            $4,573.6            $4,632.0

Total Local Production             8,325.3            10,061.8            10,309.0

Total Exports                           7,958.7              9,447.9              9,639.0

Total Imports                           3,052.6              3,959.7              3,962.0

Imports from the U.S.                 276.9                 293.0                 293.0

Notes:  Figures are in millions of USD.  The exchange rates (1USD=NTD) were NT$33.48 for 2004, NT$32.15 for 2005, and NT$32.50 for 2006 (estimated).  The statistics are unofficial estimates.


In order to increase market competitiveness, local fixed-network carriers, mobile operators (2G/3G), and broadcasters (terrestrial TV, radio and CATV networks) are making efforts to upgrade their network infrastructure.  Taiwan’s market demand for telecom equipment is expected to remain constant through 2007.  The majority of Taiwan-produced telecom equipment is for export, mainly cellular handsets, WLAN, GPS, xDSL CPE, SOHO router, cable CPE, LAN switches, and Bluetooth devices.  However, many advanced products must be imported.  European firms have led the market for mobile network infrastructure equipment and handsets, and Korean firms are very aggressive in the handset market. 


Best Products/Services  


·           Next generation networks   

·           Fixed mobile convergence

·           VoIP

·           WiMax

·           Mobile TV

·           Wireless sensor networks

·           Low-end handsets with a color display and built-in digital camera

·           Audio production equipment

·           Digital editing systems

·           Broadcasting transmission equipment

·           Test equipment


Opportunities                                                                            Return to top


The Mobile Taiwan Project (part of the E-Taiwan Project) has a budget of NT$37 billion (US$1.2 billion) and will be carried out from 2006 to 2008.   The project aims to enhance the island’s wireline and wireless broadband infrastructure by resolving the last mile problem, implementing fiber to the home in both fixed-line and cable television networks, as well as enhancing wireless infrastructure and applications.  The Taiwan authorities have also allocated NT$5 billion (US$154 million) for a WiMax field trial project and are expected to award the WiMax field trial project to the successful bidders in 2007.  In addition, the Taiwan telecom regulatory body announced a proposed plan to release nine six-year operating licenses for WiMax around Taiwan in the 2nd quarter of 2007.  These projects are expected to boost the demand for broadband wireless solutions and equipment. 




E-Taiwan Project Office:


National Communications Commission:


Information on major telecom and network industry trade shows in Taiwan are available at the website  Firms interested in the relevant trade shows should contact Taiwan External Trade Development Council at for detailed information.


U.S. firms wishing to learn more about the telecommunications market are also encouraged to contact CS Taiwan, Frances Li, Commercial Specialist, at or visit the website