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Pollution Control Equipment- Taiwan

Pollution Control Equipment





                                             2004               2005               2006 (Estimated)

Total Market Size               $444.0            $417.0            $409.2

Total Local Production          173.0             233.5               231.2

Total Exports                         124.0            186.7               177.3

Total Imports                         395.0            370.2               355.3

Imports from the U.S.              71.0              65.4                  62.1

Notes:  Figures are in millions of USD.  The exchange rates (1USD=NTD) were NT$33.48 for 2004, NT$32.15 for 2005, and NT$32.50 for 2006 (estimated).  The statistics are unofficial estimates.


The Taiwan authorities have identified the pollution control industry as an emerging industry, and are very supportive of developing Taiwan into a major environmental equipment and services exporter in the Asia Pacific Region.  In recent years, local pollution control equipment manufacturers have upgraded their technologies and have grown strong in competing with imports.  Major foreign suppliers include Japan, Germany, the United States and South Korea.  Japan leads the import market, with a 40% share, followed by the U.S.‘s 17% and Germany’s 14%.   


Even though local manufacturers supply the major portion of the environmental market with low-cost and medium-to-high technology products, the market still relies on foreign suppliers of advanced environmental technologies.


Best Prospects/Services                                               


·           Ultra pure water equipment

·           Process water recycling/reuse equipment

·            Precious heavy metal extraction and separation technology

·            Advanced wastewater treatment technologies




As Taiwan becomes the major manufacturing base for electronics products, advanced pollution control equipment and technologies for the high-tech manufacturing sector continue to be in demand.  Taiwan’s six-year national plan to increase household connection rates to public sewage systems will increase the demand for advanced waste water treatment technologies.




Taiwan EPA Website:


Taiwan Industrial Development Bureau Website:         


U.S. firms wishing to learn more about the POL market are also encouraged to contact CS Taiwan, Allen Chien, Commercial Specialist, at or visit the website