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Specialty Chemicals- ROK

Specialty Chemicals

Republic of Korea



                                                    2004               2005                2006 (estimated)

Total Market Size                      25,093            25,775            27,292

Total Local Production               20,139            20,563            22,000

Total Exports                               2,934              3,042              3,612

Total Imports                               7,889              8,254              8,903

(Unit:  USD million)

(Source: Korea Specialty Chemical Industry Association)

[ USD1= 1,200 Won (2004), 1,100Won (2005), 950Won (2006)]


Korean demand for high quality, sophisticated chemical products and associated substances for the development of new products is steadily increasing.   In 2005, the total market size of Korea’s specialty chemicals was USD25.8 billion, a two percent increase over 2004.  Total imports of specialty chemicals increased by 9 percent in 2005, during which time imports from the U.S. increased by six percent to USD1.27 billion.   The U.S. has a 14 percent market share of the specialty chemicals industry.


The specialty chemical industry is projected to grow by seven percent over the next few years and is expected to result in a nine percent annual increase in demand for specialty chemical imports.  In the specialty chemicals area, Korea lacks advanced chemical materials and technology, and has not made significant investments in R&D despite growing demand in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic/perfume, photochemical, and paint and ink industry sectors.  As a result, Korea continues to heavily depend on imports to meet demand for intermediate raw materials and newly developed chemical products.


Best Products/Services                                                               


- Specialty chemicals for the medical and pharmaceutical industries

- Specialty chemicals for the cosmetics industry




Market demand continues to grow especially from Korean companies in the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries.  These companies are very interested in using advanced chemical materials to produce new products.  The technological level of domestic producers appears to be on par with advanced countries in terms of basic science and technology; consequently, newer technology is also very welcome.  Korea is still developing an awareness of the importance of safety standards during the production of chemical products.  Korean government agencies are actively strengthening alliances with multinational companies in advanced countries to secure components for the production of high-tech medical, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and biochemistry products.




Trade Show


XpoChem Conference 2006 (Annual)

Date to be determined


Key Contact


Ministry of Environment


Ministry of Labor


Local Contact


(Mrs.) Myoung Soo Lah

Commercial Specialist

Commercial Service Korea

U.S. Embassy

32 Sejong-ro Jongro-gu

Seoul 110-710 Korea

Tel: 82-2-397-4516

Fax: 82-2-739-1628

