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Food Processing and Packaging- New Zealand

FOOD PROCESSING AND PACKAGING                                      

New Zealand

New Zealand's temperate climate and rich farmland are natural resources that contribute to the production of a wide variety of fruit and vegetables and traditional agricultural products. As well, New Zealand's island status means seafood is plentiful. Most of New Zealand's food production is exported.  Increasingly food processors are adding value to products destined for overseas markets.  The food processing industry exports approximately USD 5 billion annually. Flexible production methods are the key to New Zealand food processors supplying world markets.


New investment is ongoing as new products and new technology and new international markets open-up.  Although Germany dominates the import market, U.S. equipment is popular ranking second for packaging equipment and third after Denmark for food processing equipment.   Best prospects for U.S. suppliers include handling, weighing and high-speed equipment. There is a steady demand from small-medium sized enterprises for appropriately sized machinery suitable for their requirements.


Millions of US dollars            2004            2005            *2006

Total Market Size (Est)            189.9            218.2            167.2

Total Local Production (Est)         80                 80                  80

Total Exports                             71.2              66.5               62.6

Total Imports                           181.1            204.7            167.20

Total Imports from the U.S         28.8             32.7                30.1

Import Source:  Statistics New Zealand

Note:  2006 figure is for 11 months only, i.e. for year ending November 2006.


Best Products/Services                       


1.            Vegetable and dairy products preparation equipment

2.            Specialty packaging for processed foods

3.            Equipment for processing “prepared meals” and other convenience foods 

4.            Viticulture equipment related to wine production (post grape harvest)




Foodtech Packtech

Greenlane, Auckland

October 21 – 23, 2008






Foodworks:  Food, Beverage and Grocery Directory:

New Zealand Food Safety Authority:

Food Standards Australia New Zealand

New Zealand Statistics:

New Zealand Trade and Enterprise:

New Zealand Vegetable & Potato Growers' Federation Inc: