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Aircraft Parts- New Zealand

AIRCRAFT PARTS                      

New Zealand

New Zealand consistently demonstrates a strong demand for imported aircraft and aircraft parts.   In 2005, imports of aircraft and aircraft parts totaled USD 133.5 million.  For the period January-October 2006, New Zealand’s imports of aircraft and aircraft parts totaled USD 103.6 million.  New Zealand’s demand for aircraft and aircraft parts is expected to remain very positive reflecting the importance of the aviation sector in this country’s economy:


·           Tourism:  more than 99% of all travelers to New Zealand arrive by air. 

·           Trade:  exporters of perishable products such as seafood and flowers rely on the aviation industry to send their products to international markets.  Agriculture products contribute more than 50% of New Zealand's GDP.  Aviation also has a role in farm management e.g. top-dressing.

·            Security:    New Zealand's geographical isolation from the rest of the world helps to protect its long, mostly uninhabited, coastline.  Overall security has gained greater significance over the last five years.


U.S. aircraft manufacturers (both fixed wing and helicopters) represent more than 50% of New Zealand’s aircraft fleet.   This existing base of U.S. aircraft creates a strong demand for U.S. manufactured spare parts.   Further, the introduction of larger and longer-range aircraft by major manufacturers to realize fuel and other efficiencies has made New Zealand’s national carrier, Air New Zealand one of the first airlines in the world to invest in Boeings B787.  Air New Zealand’s multi-million dollar investment and the Royal New Zealand Air Force’s upgrade plans are likely to ensure U.S. companies specializing in aircraft parts will continue to enjoy a high market share here.  In 2005, U.S. market share of aircraft and aircraft parts in New Zealand was 66.7%.


Millions of US dollars            2003             2004            2005

Total Market Size (Est)            114.5            163.9              144

Total Local Production (Est)      65.0              60.0              55.0

Total Exports                             55.0              29.9              44.6

Total Imports                           104.5            133.8            133.6

Total Imports from the U.S.       67.7               89.2              80.8

Import Source:  Statistics New Zealand


Best Products/Services                                                                            


1.         Aircraft propellers

2.         Aircraft rotors

3.         Aircraft undercarriages





There are currently no large trade events in this sector within New Zealand.




New Zealand Aviation Industry Association:

New Zealand Statistics:

New Zealand Trade and Enterprise: