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Healthcare and Medical Equipment- Malaysia

Healthcare and Medical Equipment





Medical Devices

                                               2004            2005            2006 (estimated)

Total Market Size                     803             1047            1129

Total Local Production*            941             1035            1086

Total Exports                            517               415              435

Total Imports                            379               427              478

Imports from the U.S.                 73               103              124

(Source: Malaysia Department of Statistics)

Figures given in U.S. dollars in millions.  Exchange rate: U.S. $1= RM 3.66 (Ringgit Malaysia)

*Unofficial estimates


·            Malaysian public healthcare is heavily subsidized by the government.  Currently, approximately 3% of the GDP is allocated for the healthcare sector.


·           The Malaysian healthcare industry, which includes product and equipment is currently valued at nearly US$1.3 billion and is expected to grow to nearly US$3 billion by 2007. About 400,000 different types of medical devices are used annually.


·           The majority of high-tech medical devices are still imported.  The US has the largest import market share of 24% in 2005. 


·           The Medical Devices Act will be implemented by 2008.  Online voluntary registration is currently on-going through the Ministry of Health (MOH) Voluntary Registration of Medical Devices Establishments MeDVER.


·           About US$2.7 billion has been allocated for the health sector development during 9th Malaysia Plan (2006-2010).


·           Several institutions were proposed during the 9th Malaysia Plan: a Communicable Disease Center, a National Crisis (Health) Preparedness and Response Center, a National Cancer Institute and a National Oral Health Institute.


·           The Government has implemented needle exchange and condom handout program for drug addicts in its attempt to contain the spread of HIV/AIDS.  Over 300,000 Malaysian are projected to have HIV/AIDS by 2015.  In addition, methadone substitution therapy has proven to be effective.


·           The National Cancer Registry reported that about 40,000 Malaysians develop cancer every year. The MOH is planning a five-year master plan to provide comprehensive cancer care, which will include early detection, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, rehabilitation, hospice care, herbal therapy and training.   


·            Promotion of health tourism includes developing a comprehensive package of health services that Malaysia has comparative advantage such as spas and cosmetic services.  To further position Malaysia as a global healthcare services hub, the Tourism Malaysia Ministry has unveiled a health tourism portal in conjunction with Visit Malaysia Year 2007. 


Best Products/Services          


·           The increasing senior population and modern lifestyle diseases are expected to boost demand for more affordable quality drugs and equipment.


·            Increased demand for more personalized healthcare solutions, prevention and follow-up care.


·            Domestic firms are encouraged to manufacture medical equipment locally.  This provides additional opportunities for U.S. companies interested in creating joint ventures with domestic companies.




·           Post-acute healthcare service, which involves providing healthcare and nursing services for patients at their homes.


·            Construction of new and replacement hospitals. 


·            Implementation of hospital information system (HIS) in selected hospitals and clinics in improving healthcare delivery.




APHM International Healthcare Conference and Exhibition 2007

Ministry of Health Malaysia

Malaysian Medical Association

Association of Private Hospital of Malaysia

For more information contact Commercial Specialist Natila Ahmad.