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New Energy Power Generation-Japan

New Energy Power Generation                              





(millions of U.S. $)                    2004            2005            2006(estimated)

Total Market Size                      3,361           3,475           3,813

Total Local Production              5,325           6,603            6,691

Total Exports                            2,241           3,398            3,426

Total Imports                               277              270               548

Imports from the U.S.                      9                17                 16

(Note: The above statistics are unofficial US&FCS estimates.)


In this report, the term “New Energy Power Generation” refers to wind, photovoltaic, waste, and biomass power generation. On June 4, 2002, Japan ratified the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.  Based on the Kyoto Protocol, Japan is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions in the year 2010 to a level six percent lower than it recorded in 1990.  To secure this reduction, the Japanese government has set an ambitious goal to increase new energy power generation levels by tenfold over 1999 levels.  To accomplish this, the Japanese government enacted the Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) Law in June 2002 and provides industrial subsidies for new energy development.  The RPS law requires Japanese electric utilities to use renewable energy sources for a certain percentage of their sales.  The RPS mandate has generated a flurry of activity by utilities to ensure compliance with this new policy target.


Best Products/Services                                                    


Best products include products and services related to wind power, photovoltaic power,  biomass.




Private entities or municipal governments that are not covered by World Trade Organization (WTO) government procurement agreements conduct many new energy power generation projects.  Therefore, most of these projects are closed to the public for bidding purposes.  However, by partnering with Japanese firms and through continued efforts, U.S. companies should be able to increase their market share.




CS Japan Contact: Mr. Kenji Kobayashi (Tokyo)  


Useful Websites:


New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)