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Household Consumer Goods- Japan

Household Consumer Goods





(Millions of U.S.$)                          2004               2005               2006(estimated)

Total Market Size                          35,035            35,884            36,709

Total Local Production                  30,900            31,500            32,094

Total Exports                                     834                 902                 919

Total Imports                                  4,969              5,286              5,534

Imports from the U.S.                        209                 183                 159

(Note: CS Japan has estimated the above statistics based on information from World Trade Atlas [trade statistics database by GTI] and JETRO's Marketing Guidebook 2004.)


The household product category is broad and includes a wide range of goods. Here, household products are defined as tableware, kitchenware, small home electronic appliances, furniture & home furnishings, interior fabrics, lamps, and other. 58% of U.S. imports in this group are in the furniture & home furnishings category, followed by table and kitchenware at 17%.


According to the 2005 National Census, Japan had 49 million households with a total population of 127 million. Young consumers are sensitive to home fashion, wishing to assert their distinctive lifestyles.  Middle-aged consumers are strongly interested in keeping up with their health and wellness in spite of time constraints and the demands of life and work.  Overall, Japanese consumers are spending more time at home, and the concept of nesting or staying home and relaxing is gaining broad social acceptance.


It is important to note that the product lines in household goods stores are becoming increasingly global, while Japanese consumers’ lifestyles are growing more and more diversified.  To respond to the diversified demands of the market, Japanese importers expect high-mix low-volume production, flexible distribution in small lots, and prompt delivery from foreign exporters.


Best Products/Services                                                        


As Japanese consumers value home comfort, U.S. home furnishing companies offering quality products with distinctive design that appeal to the Japanese will find significant opportunities in the Japanese market.


Generally, Japanese consumers are willing to pay premier prices for quality, functionality, and design. Also, they are sensitive to safety and cleanliness. For example, antibiotic or anti-odor functions are almost common for products like kitchenware or bathroom goods. Interest in eco-friendly business areas, such as organic products, is still high.




Event:   The 63rd Tokyo International Gift Show

Dates:            February 13-16, 2007

Venue:  Tokyo International Exhibition Center (


Products:            Giftware


Event:   The 2nd International Homefashion Fair

Dates:   April 4-6, 2007

Venue:  Tokyo International Exhibition Center (


Products:             Housewares such as tabletop, cookware, and kitchen accessories, cutlery and cleaning goods, small and major appliances, furniture and home furnishings, lightings, outdoor living and gardening items, giftware and other household consumer products.


Event:   Interior Lifestyle/Ambiente Japan

Dates:   June 6-8, 2007

Venue:  Tokyo International Exhibition Center (


Products:             Housewares such as tabletop, cookware, and kitchen accessories, cutlery and cleaning goods, small and major appliances, furniture and home furnishings, lightings, outdoor living and gardening items, giftware and other household consumer products.


Event:            International Furniture Fair Tokyo

Dates:            November 21-24, 2007

Venue:  Tokyo International Exhibition Center (


Products:            Furniture and home accessories


Resources                                                                                Return to top


CS Japan Contact:            Ms. Rika Saito (Tokyo)              


International Development Association of Furniture Industry of Japan


Japan Housewares Importers Association