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Water Resources Equipment and Services- Indonesia

Water Resources Equipment and Services




USD Millions                      2004            2005             2006 (estimated)

Total Market Size                    150             170              180

Total Local Production              73               70                70

Total Exports                            65               60                60

Total Imports                          142              160             170

Imports from the U.S.            18.5                20                21

(Source: Indonesian Central Bureau of Statistics

Figures given in U.S. dollars in millions.

Note: The above statistics are unofficial estimates


Indonesia’s water resources sector faces increasingly complex long-term investment challenges and management problems, which, unless effectively addressed, will increasingly constrain the country’s economic development and lead to a deterioration of food security, public health and irreversible damage to the environment.

Indonesian imports of water resources equipment and service in 2006 were estimated at   $180 million, a increase of over 5% compared to 2005. The U.S. had the fifth largest market share of 12%.  Its primary foreign competitor is Japan with an estimated market share of 40%.

The water resources equipment market in Indonesia is competitive, with an increasing number of international suppliers trying to win projects.  Japan, China and Korea dominate the machinery and equipment market. 


Best Products/Services                                  


U.S. products and engineering services have a good reputation for their quality and advanced technology in the field of water and wastewater treatment.  U.S. products such as water filtration, water purification equipment and control systems, and water treatment chemicals enjoy a good reputation among local buyers. In general, products from the U.S. are highly regarded for their quality. The major hurdle to overcome in this market, however, is the initial cost of the product and service.




Opportunities abound in water resources technology for the commercial and industrial sector. The primary end-users of water resources equipment in Indonesia market are: government agencies, environmental engineering companies, industrial parks, companies involved in food processing, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals and electronic components industries.







Directorate General for Urban and Rural Development

Ministry of Public Works.

Tel: (62-21) 727-96158, Fax: 727-96155


Contact person:

Ir. Agoes Widjanarko, MIP

Directorate General for Urban and Rural Development


The National Committee for the Acceleration of Infrastructure Provision (KKPPI)

Tel: (62-21) 351-1466, Fax: (62-21) 351 1644

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