BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service


Power Generation-China

Power Generation




2004  2005  2006
Total Market Size* 12,000 18,750 21,057
Total Local Production 14,213 16,913 18,384
Total Exports ** 6,272 7,632 9,951
Total Imports ** 4,509 4,633 5,954
Imports from the U.S.  270 234 269


(Millions of US dollars)

Sources: * from China Electric Equipment and Instrument Net

               ** from customs statistics for electric power supply machinery

The total power generation capacity of China surpassed 622GW in 2006, an increase of 100GW from 2005, enhancing China’s position as the second-largest power generator and the fastest-growing power generation market in the world.  According to the International Energy Agency, China will invest a total of nearly USD2 trillion in electricity generation, transmission, and distribution over the next 30 years to meet rapidly growing electricity demand.  Half of that investment will be in power generation, while the other half will go to transmission and distribution.  Currently, thermal energy comprises most (77.82%) of China’s generating capacity, while hydropower provides 20.67% and nuclear power less than 1.6% of total capacity.  With the limited supply of fossil fuels for power generation, the Chinese government is encouraging alternative forms of power supply, such as hydropower, wind power, solar power, etc.  China unveiled an energy plan as part of its 11th five-year plan. The plan, which is named as the "alternative oil strategy", aims at increasing the country’s renewable energy supply to 15% of the country's energy needs by 2020.


Best Products/Services                                                                             


The most competitive products and services for U.S. companies will be in advanced thermal power generation (including large-capacity gas turbines, super critical and ultra super critical large capacity coal-fired power generation equipment, clean coal technology, and combine cycle technology), alternative power supplies (including wind, solar, and nuclear), power dispatching systems, telecommunications equipment for the power industry, management software, and ultra high voltage transmission equipment and management systems.  Safety equipment also has strong market potential for U.S. companies.




By 2020, China plans to build 30 nuclear generators of one million-kW and above, bringing the country’s total nuclear capacity to 40GW. In December 2006, U.S. technology was selected for 4 new reactors planned to be built in Zhejiang and Shandong provinces in 2007 and 2008.


There is also strong demand for the following products:

·           900 MW and above thermal power generating equipment, gas turbines

·           700 MW and above hydro power turbines, large-capacity pump storage units, advanced nuclear power station equipment, clean-coal technology power generating equipment

·           300 MW and above cogeneration and trigeneration units

·           600 MW and above air cooling power generation units

·            Combine cycle units

·           300 MW and above circulating fluidized-bed boilers and Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) units

·           750 kv and above transmission lines equipment

·            1.3MW capacity and above wind turbines, thermal power plant flue gas desulphurization equipment, power industry automation equipment, power grid safety supervision and control software and equipment, and middle and high voltage capacitors.





China Electric Equipment and Instrument Net


State Electric Regulatory Commission


Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion


Zhongdian Feihua – Electric Power Industrial Yellow Page


Shenzhen Energy Efficiency Association


Xiamen Energy Efficiency Center


Zhuhai New Energy Research Institute


China New Energy Information Net


China Sustainable Energy Program


China Solar Energy Information Net


China Bio-gas Information Net


Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion


U.S. Commercial Services Contact Information in China


Beijing Office:

Tel: (86-10)8529-6655

Fax: (86-10)8529-6558/9

David Murphy

Mei Baochun


Shanghai Office:

Tel: (86-21)6279-7930

Fax: (86-21)6279-7639

Eric Hsu

Janet Zhu


Guangzhou Office:

Tel: (86-20)8667-4011

Fax: (86-20)8666-6409

Lena Yang


Chengdu Office:

Tel: (86-28)8558-3992

Fax: (86-28)8558-3991

Cui Shiyang


Upcoming Exhibition


The U.S. Commercial Service will organize a U.S. Pavilion at the 6th International Exhibition on Electrical Power Equipment and Technology (EP Shanghai) from June 5 to June 7 in Shanghai.  Since we only have limited booths available, we welcome and encourage interested U.S. companies to contact us as soon as possible.  For more information about this event, please visit the following website: