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Air Traffic Management Equipment Market-China

Air Traffic Management Equipment Market



China’s ATM Equipment Market Information (USD Millions)


x 2004 2005  2006 (as of November) 
Total Market Size N/A  N/A  N/A 
Total Local Production N/A  N/A  N/A 
Total Exports 105  722  1,257 
Total Imports 194 389  487 
Imports from U.S. 33  37  50 

Source of Data: World Trade Atlas

Note: Figures compiled using China HS Classification Codes 852691, 852610, 85299050, and 85291010

China is a fast-growing market for air traffic control equipment.  A total of $17 billion in airport construction and expansion will be spent in the next five years.  Over the past decade, the General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC) has spent approximately $1 billion on air traffic management (ATM) infrastructure improvements.  The majority of this equipment will be imported, as locally manufactured ATM equipment is not yet able to match foreign quality. 


The CAAC Air Traffic Management Bureau’s (ATMB) goal over the next ten years is to improve facilities in the east and mid-west of the country, with plans for a comprehensive data network, new automation-center systems, ground-air voice/data communications, and new radar systems.  China also plans to introduce ground-to-air communications and automatic dependent surveillance services for international and polar routes in the west.


Best Prospects/Services                                                                              

In their efforts to upgrade current ATM facilities in China, ATMB is focusing on the following sectors that should serve as excellent opportunities for American companies with experience and expertise in airborne and ground support equipment:

·            Establish VHF communication, navigation, and secondary surveillance radar systems.  ATMB plans to install about 40 radar systems from Beijing to Guangzhou, its busiest route, and another 170 units of VHF VOR/DME systems along air routes and at airports.

·            Upgrade and automate control centers to establish radar control in Eastern and Central China.

·            Improve ground-air communication facilities and Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS) of international and polar routes in Western China to increase ATM communication and control capacity in this area.

·            Establish a civil aviation ATM comprehensive data communication network and comprehensive information system to meet increased demand from airlines. 


In the next 10 years, China will see strong growth in its number of flights, airports, and air routes.  This surging demand plus close cooperation with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) will greatly boost required investment in China’s ATM system and provide numerous opportunities for U.S. ATM exporters.   


In recent years China’s air traffic volume has increased between 8-10% annually and the CAAC expects it to grow 11% per year over the next ten years.  In 2005, there were 2.3 million total flights, an increase of 55% over a five-year period.  At present, landings and take-offs from airports along the Beijing-Guangzhou route account for over 76% of domestic flights.  In the future, the country will also face increasing air traffic congestion in central and western China. 


To handle this increase, China has invested extensively in its ATM system over the last few years, installing 31 primary radars, 52 secondary radars, more than 1,000 Very High Frequency (VHF) communications systems, over 160 Omnidirectional Range and Distance Measurement Systems (VOR/DMEs), and more than 140 Instrument Landing Systems (ILS).  Expansion of airport infrastructure will continue with 49 airports slated for construction and another 71 to be upgraded by 2010.  It is estimated that the number of airports with scheduled flights will be 260 by 2015.  To manage this growth, CAAC has already begun reorganizing the current airspace structure, reducing the total number of area control centers from 27 to five by 2010.  In reorganizing the current structure, CAAC will construct two new regional control centers, while upgrading the remaining three in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, which now handle over 70% of China’s air traffic.  The existing ATC system for the Beijing-Guangzhou route has already been upgraded and preparation work has started on the Beijing-Shanghai and Shanghai-Guangzhou routes to implement radar control procedures.


As China will emphasize flight safety and service quality, the CAAC is working closely with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to ensure the safe handling of increased air traffic during the 2008 Olympics.  CAAC also has ongoing initiatives under the China-Boeing Joint Air Traffic Services program, which provides training programs and seminars for CAAC personnel covering a wide spectrum of air traffic issues. 





1. Major Trade Shows:


ABACE 2007 (The Asian Business Aviation Conference & Exhibition)

Dates: February 6 – 7, 2007, Hong Kong

Venue: Asia World-Expo, Hong Kong

Tel: (202) 783-9000

Fax: (202) 862-5552


Address: 1200 Eighteenth Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036-2527



Shanghai Air Show 2007

2nd Shanghai International Aerospace Technology and Equipment Exhibition

Dates: July 5 – 7, 2007

Venue: Shanghai Exhibition Center, Shanghai, China

Organizer: Shanghai Guangshun Exhibition Service Co., Ltd.

Contact: Shang Chao

Tel: (86-21) 6222-9115

Fax: (86-21) 6222-9112

E-mail: ;

Address: Room 1303, #5, Lane 65, Jin Sha Jiang Road, Shanghai, P.R.C. 2000062 Website:


Asian Aerospace

Dates: September 3 – 6, 2007

Venue: AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong

Organizer: Reed Exhibtions, Aerospace & Defense Group

Contacts: Clive Richardson, Senior Vice President or Annie Ma, Vice President

Tel: (852) 2824-0330

Fax: (852) 2824-0246


Address: Unit 3011, 30/F; The Centre; 99 Queen’s Road Central; Hong Kong



Airport and Air Traffic Control Expo China 2007

Dates: September 2007 (TBC)

Venue: China International Exhibition Center, Beijing

Organizer: China Promotion Ltd.

Tel: (852) 2511-7427

Fax: (852) 2511-9692




Air Show China 2008

Date: TBC (est. late October)

Venue: Zhuhai International Exhibition Center, Zhuhai, China

Organizer:  Zhuhai Airshow Co., Ltd.

Contact: Michelle Lee, Eric Cheung (from Air Show China 2006)

Tel: (86-756) 337-5291 or 336-9235

Fax: (86-756) 337-6415


Address: No. 1, 2 Jiuzhou Lane, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai City 519015, P.R.C.



2. Key Chinese Government Contacts:


General Administration of Civil Aviation of China (CAAC)

Tel: (86-10) 6403-0868

Fax: (86-10) 6403-0868

CAAC Air Traffic Management Bureau (ATMB)

Tel: (86-10) 6731-8866 x 2252

Fax: (86-10) 6731-8519

China Aviation Supplies I/E Corporation

Tel: (86-10) 6568-7858

Fax: (86-10) 6568-6902


3. U.S. Commercial Service Contact Information in China:


Beijing Office:

Tel: (86-10) 8529-6655

Fax: (86-10) 8529-6558/9

Mr. Val Huston


Shanghai Office:

Tel: (86-21) 6279-7930

Fax: (86-21) 6279-7639

Mr. Yu-Chien Chen


Guangzhou Office:

Tel: (86-20) 8667-4011

Fax: (86-20) 8666-6409

Ms. Lena Yang


Chengdu Office:

Tel: (86-28) 8558-3992

Fax: (86-28) 8558-3991

Ms. Shiyang Cui


Shenyang Office:

Tel: (86-24) 2322-1198x8142

Fax: (86-24) 2322-2206

Ms. Liu Yang