Secretary Spellings Delivered Remarks at Beijing Normal University in Beijing, China
Archived Information

November 16, 2006
Speaker sometimes deviates from text.

Thank you, Dina, for that kind introduction.

And thank you President Zhong and Madame Liu for inviting us to Beijing Normal University.

I also want to thank Vice Minister of Education Zang for his leadership.

To the students and faculty, I appreciate your warm welcome. It's an honor to be here.

More than a century ago, this school was founded as China's first university dedicated to teacher training...a mission that's still going strong today. Few jobs are more rewarding or more important than being a teacher. In every country and every society, teachers inspire hope, build confidence, and prepare tomorrow's innovators.

Beijing Normal University is a true leader in fostering exchange programs. You have more than 20 exchange programs with our universities. At your centennial celebration several years ago, you rededicated yourself to being a world-class institution of higher education. And earlier this year, President Hu Jintao, in announcing his innovation initiative, designated you for particular focus and investment in science. Today, these commitments are paying off.

They've helped bring thousands of American students to study here. And we hope more and more will continue to come.

I've traveled here this week—which just happens to be International Education Week—with a leading group of university presidents from the United States. It's been a unique international education exchange experience of its own. This is the first time my government has put together such a delegation. And I'm convinced it won't be the last!

This delegation represents the very best that U.S. higher education has to offer.

Every one of these Presidents recognizes the importance of two-way exchange programs. In fact, many already have vibrant research partnerships with Chinese universities. Particularly in the areas of science and technology, global issues ranging from medicine to infrastructure are being addressed in a collaborative way.

It's just one more way that institutions of higher education are building the critical human capital necessary to achieve success in our new century.

Technological advances are redefining the knowledge and skills that students and workers need. More and more, this starts with a college education.

I talk to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies all the time. They consistently tell me that to compete in the global marketplace they need college graduates who know math, science and foreign language and who have strong problem-solving skills. And these days, companies are following the talent—whether that talent is in Boston or Beijing.

There is no question in my mind that pursuing higher education, whether at home or abroad, is the right decision for students today.

America's 4,000 higher education institutions remain prime destinations for those seeking opportunity in our highly competitive world. And I'm pleased to report that foreign student enrollment at U.S. higher education institutions is on the rise.

For decades, we have attracted more students from China than almost any other country in the world. This year, we have more than 62,000 Chinese students studying in the U.S. But we don't take our prominence for granted. That's why we're here.

In the last year, the number of student and exchange visas issued reached an all-time high of nearly 600,000. Student visas were up 15 percent. We've been working to make the visa process smoother, easier and more transparent.

In fact more than 97% of qualified student applicants get their visas within a matter of days. And the recently released Open Doors report shows that China continues to be one of the leading countries that send students to the U.S.

Today, we invite even more of you to join us. We also want to send more of our students here. Before I left for this trip, I met with a group of Chinese students studying in America. They told me about the things they enjoy most about studying in my country. Among them: our diversity and creativity; our focus on critical thinking; and our unparalleled access to world-class research. They also remarked on how open and welcoming they found the U.S. to be.

We're committed to making sure this same opportunity to study in America is available to you and students like you.

Whether you pursue a short stay or a multi-year degree program, an exchange will enrich your overall education experience and help you create a network of new friends and future colleagues that will last a lifetime.

Universities—like those here with me—are promoting the value of international education on their own campuses. They're eager to have you be a part of their student communities. And they're encouraging their own students to study abroad. They're committing new and significant levels of funding to support these programs. They're also providing orientation on campus and city life for foreign students to help make their transition easier.

U.S. higher education institutions are also using more creative marketing tools to encourage their students to study abroad. Some are incorporating two-week study programs to overseas destinations that are tailored to what their students are learning in the classroom. Others require international study as a requirement for graduation.

Bottom line: they recognize that studying abroad—if even for a short period of time—will broaden students' perspective and change lives forever.

Since our universities are at the heart of recruiting and nurturing talent, they must adapt to make sure a college education equips students to be competitive in today's global workforce. That's why I convened a group of higher education and business leaders and asked them to explore ways to strengthen higher education in America.

We need a higher education system that is even more affordable, accessible, and accountable and that provides more and better information to all students.

Whether you're a U.S. student interested in studying abroad or a Chinese student looking for educational opportunity in America, it's important to know what fields of study most interest you and what you're passionate about. Doing so will lead you to the professors and programs that will make your educational dreams a reality.

No matter what country we call home, we all share the same commitment to students.

Education opens the doors of opportunity and is the foundation for a better life, a brighter future, and a stronger alliance between individuals and nations.

As you pursue your goals and as our students pursue theirs, I urge students here and at home to consider international study. The reason is simple. In bringing diversity to our campuses and fostering a greater understanding of our different cultures, we will create a more prosperous and peaceful world... one friendship at a time.

I promise... it's an experience that will change your life.

Thank you. I'd be happy to answer any questions you might have.


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Last Modified: 11/21/2006