Remarks of Secretary Paige at the Office of English Language Acquisition Summit
Archived Information

December 2, 2003
  Contact: (202) 401-1576
Press Release
Ten Key Benefits for Parents of English Language Learners

The theme of this summit nicely sums up the reason we come together this week. Under the No Child Left Behind Act signed into law nearly two years ago, our nation is improving education with a passion and intensity unmatched in our history. This mission requires all of our best efforts, from teachers and parents and administrators to the policy-makers in the states and Washington, D.C. Education cannot be a privilege for just a lucky few. Every child deserves a quality education.

We come together this week with one mission: to improve education for English language learners. Thanks to No Child Left Behind, we are already moving toward this goal. At this summit we will learn from one another and coordinate our efforts. And we will unveil a new initiative to help parents of English language learners play a greater role in their children's education.

I want to thank all of you for joining us here in Washington this week. Your presence speaks volumes about your dedication to education.

I appreciate the fact that so many teachers are here. Thank you for your commitment. My parents were both educators. I've spent my entire life in education. Teaching is difficult work. It is one of the most challenging jobs there is. But it is also one of the most rewarding. You are our nation's heroes. We owe you our respect and support.

I also want to thank the administrators who are here with us. You make our schools work for our young learners. You have a challenging job. I appreciate your dedicated effort to help all our students learn.

And I would also like to point out that for the first time we have parents joining us. This is tremendously important—having involved parents is an ingredient of a successful education. As parents of English language learners, you often face distinct challenges to getting involved. You work extremely hard to give your children a better life. Language and cultural differences can be imposing barriers. So I thank you for contributing to this summit and for taking such a strong interest in improving education for all.

We heard just a moment ago two of our young learners recite a poem on what it means to be bilingual. They represent the five and a half million children in America who speak nearly 400 languages other than English. We are a true nation of immigrants, and we always have been.

Some would note that many of these children have limited English skills. But in truth they are not limited. Rather, they are blessed with the opportunity to learn multiple languages. At a time when most Americans speak just one language, these children are a bridge between two cultures. Helping them learn English while at the same time providing a quality education is the single most important thing we can do to help them achieve the American Dream.

That's why I am so proud that No Child Left Behind supports the work of everyone in this room. No Child Left Behind may be the world's most ambitious language program ever devised—and certainly the most important language instruction our nation has ever undertaken. No Child Left Behind allows school districts to decide about the methods used to ensure that students learn English. Whether it is dual language, bilingual, immersion, or English as a Second Language methodology, the goal is to ensure that students are able to succeed in challenging coursework in English with their peers.

To reach this goal, No Child Left Behind provides more support for English language acquisition than ever before at the same time it values and supports native tongues. Under President Bush, funding for Title III has nearly doubled to $665 million to support English language acquisition.

With this increased funding comes new accountability. No Child Left Behind requires states to test English language learners in reading and language arts. The results will allow teachers to track student progress and better tailor lesson plans to the needs of their students.

No Child Left Behind supports teachers with our nation's greatest-ever investment in recruitment, training, development and mentoring.

And No Child Left Behind recognizes the important role parents play in their child's education. Parents armed with information and options are the most powerful advocates for quality education. That's why I am very excited to unveil a new initiative to reach out to parents of English language learners.

We want all the parents of English language learners to know what to expect under No Child Left Behind. This new initiative will inform parents about ten key benefits for their children. Armed with this knowledge, parents can be full partners with teachers and schools. And they can make the best possible decisions for their children's future.

We'll officially unveil this initiative immediately following this opening ceremony. I invite you to join us to learn more about this initiative. We want this information in the hands of every parent of an English language learner. I urge everyone here to join with us in getting the word out, especially the parents. We need you to be ambassadors for educational excellence in your communities.

Over the last two years, our nation has made great progress in implementing No Child Left Behind. As a result, parents have new choices, schools are focused on accountability for results, local school districts have more control over federal funds than ever before, and teachers are using teaching methods proven to work.

Last month, we received our nation's first mathematics report card since No Child Left Behind was signed into law. The results were very encouraging. Achievement is up across the board. Minority and low-income children registered some of the largest gains.

At the same time we recognize these accomplishments, we must also face certain realities. There is still an achievement gap afflicting our nation. Too many children still leave our schools without the skills they need.

We must remain faithful to No Child Left Behind if we are to give every child a quality education. We are on the right path. But it will take all of us, working together, to achieve our goal.

And that is why this summit is so important in bringing together practitioners, parents and policymakers. Let us use this summit to learn from one another. Let us explore best practices. Let us determine what further steps need to be taken to provide a quality education. And, most important of all, let us leave this summit with renewed dedication, knowing that we are making progress and that millions of young lives will be helped by our work this week.

Thank you and God bless you.



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Last Modified: 12/03/2003