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    Title: Course Content & Materials

    • Course should address all hazards (e.g., Construction Industry Focus Four hazards)
    • How will course content be developed?
    • Who will be involved?
    • Qualifications of involved personnel?
    • Plan for OSHA approval?
    [Includes OSHA logo]

    Speaker Notes:

    You must have a training content plan. The plan describes what you'll teach in each of the different types of training sessions and how you will develop or derive the curriculum.

    Your training content must cover all the hazards in the safety and health topic area. For example, if you're applying in the Construction Industry Focus Four hazard area, you must cover all of the Focus Four hazards in your training program.

    If you're developing materials you must explain the development process. Include information on who is involved and their expertise. If you're planning to use materials that have already been developed, tell us the source of the materials and why they're a good match for your audience. If you will be altering other materials, inform us what changes you're making. Be sure to follow all copyright laws.

    It's important that you clearly state what content and curriculum will be used for each type of training. ALL training products must be reviewed and approved by OSHA before the materials can be used for training sessions.

    Always include information on the scheduling of these activities, being sure to include adequate time for the OSHA review.

    Audio Version [MP3* - 310 KB]
*This file is provided for downloading only

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: Contact the OSHA Directorate of Training and Education at (847) 297-4810 for assistance accessing OSHA MP3 materials.

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Page last updated: 05/06/2008