American Wind Energy Association

Wind energy companies are growing rapidly to meet America's demand for clean, renewable and domestic energy. These companies need skilled professionals.
Careers in Wind is dedicated to connecting wind energy companies with people who want to apply their skills toward helping the planet.
Only directs recruitment dollars back toward promoting and advancing the wind energy industry.

Search for Jobs in Wind Energy



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View jobs posted by wind energy's leading companies, and search by keyword or location
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Job postings are re-printed in Wind Energy Weekly, AWEA's industry e-newsletter
Search resumes in our database of over 2,400 candidates, all committed to working in wind energy
View all products and pricing – our prices are competitive with major job boards, but with a niche audience

Careers in Wind Seminar - at the WINDPOWER 2009 Job Fair - PROGRAM
May 5-7, 2009 - Chicago, IL

A FREE 3-day seminar to educate potential employees about the opportunities in wind, featuring presentations by some of the industry’s top professionals about where the wind industry needs your skills, and how to get training to enhance your experience.
Learn more about the Careers in Wind Seminar here, and sign up for free!
Educate yourself in wind energy
Materials from AWEA's workshops and conferences are available on CD-ROM at the AWEA Online Store, including the highly-informative seminar Wind Energy 101. AWEA also offers a basic wind web tutorial.
WINDPOWER 2009: Chicago, IL - May 4-7
WINDPOWER 2009 Conference and Exhibition is the largest annual wind conference and exhibition in the world featuring over 13,000 attendees and over 776 exhibitors. Each year, wind energy professionals gather at this event to learn about the latest industry developments and technologies, review new products and services in the expansive exhibit hall, and network with leading industry decision makers. (


The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) is providing this job board as a service to AWEA members and the general public. AWEA disclaims any knowledge with respect to the nature of the employment opportunities and assumes no responsibility as to the truth or accuracy of any employment listings. AWEA does not screen or censor the employment relationship.


1501 M Street NW, Suite 1000 | Washington, DC 20005 | Phone: 202.383.2500 | Fax: 202.383.2505 |
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