NIA: Information on Support for Administrative Supplements Providing Summer Research Experiences for Students and Science Educators (Notice: OD-09-060)
This initiative is one of several initiatives in which NIA is participating to help fulfill the goals of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to stimulate the economy through support of biomedical and behavioral research. Additional information about the Recovery Act and related NIH opportunities is available through the NIH Office of Extramural Research.
The National Institutes of Health has announced (NOT-OD-09-060) the opportunity for investigators and institutions with active NIH Research Project Grants (and some other categories of award) to request administrative supplements for the purpose of promoting job creation, economic development, and accelerating the pace and achievement of scientific research. These supplements will also encourage students to seriously pursue research careers in the health related sciences, as well as provide elementary, middle school, and high school teachers, community college faculty, and faculty from non-research intensive institutions with short term research experiences in NIH-funded laboratories.
Support for these supplements will come from funds provided to NIH through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (“Recovery Act” or “ARRA”), Public Law 111-5.
Full details on how to prepare an application, terms of award, administrative and national policy requirements, and reporting are available in the parent announcement (NOT-OD-09-060).
NIA Awards Eligible for These Supplements for Students and Science Educators
The National Institute on Aging considers awards with the following activity codes to be eligible for this supplement program: R01, R00, R03, R21, R15, R37, U01, R42, R44, P01, P30, P50, K01, K07, K08, K12, K23, K24, K25, and K26,. In addition, awards must have project end dates, of August 31, 2009 or later in order to be eligible for award in FY 2009. For two year supplements or for supplements in FY 2010, awards must have end dates of August 31, 2010 or later. Awards in no cost extension prior to these dates are not eligible.
Awards with the following activity codes are not eligible: T32, T35, F30, F31, F32, F33, R13, U13, R24, R25, R34, R36, R41, R43, K02, R56, L30, L32, K99.
Application Receipt Dates for NIA Educational Supplements
- April 17 and June 1 2009. (for one or two year requests)
- March 1, and May 3, 2010 (for one year requests) (Check this page for updates on the status of funding for FY 2010 applications.)
NIA expects to complete administrative review of applications within one month of the receipt date for the applications. Notification of award will be not later than June 30, 2009 for FY 2009 applications and by June 30, 2010 for FY 2010 applications.Address for sending Administrative Supplement Requests
We strongly encourage applicants to send the materials electronically via PDF attachment to the e-mail address listed. Applications received as hard copy may be delayed in administrative review and award.
Do not send applications to the NIH Center for Scientific Review.
Submit one original, copy of the request packet (with original signatures of the authorized business official) to the address listed below:
Address for sending Educational Supplement Requests:
Ms. Lesa McQueen
Grants Management Specialist
National Institute on Aging
Gateway Building, Suite 2N212
Bethesda, MD 20892-2292
Telephone: 301-496-1472
FAX: 301-402-3672
Applications must be signed by the authorized institutional official and submitted to the address listed above. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit applications electronically as an e-mail attachment in PDF format; however the signature of the institutional official must be clearly visible. Applicants may also submit applications in paper format to the individual listed above.
Inquiries and discussion of plans for responding to this Notice are strongly encouraged.
For scientific or technical questions relating to research that would be supported by this solicitation, contact the Program Administrator assigned to the parent grant. For administrative questions related to this solicitation, contact the Grants Management Specialist noted on the Notice of Award for the parent grant.