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For Teachers 

NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration will sponsor a teacher workshop on the Monitor at Nauticus, The National Maritime Center in Norfolk Virginia on July 21, 2006. Teachers participating in this workshop will receive a private guided tour of the equipment used during the expedition and a tour of relevant exhibits at Nauticus and the Hampton Roads Naval Museum.  In addition, teachers will participate in hands-on social studies and science activities related to the Battle of Hampton Roads, the Monitor shipwreck, remotely-operated vehicles used in deep-sea exploration, and metal degradation as it relates to marine archaeology.  Participants will receive a continental breakfast, catered lunch, and take home materials. Pre-registration is required and space is limited.

Registration deadline is July 3, 2006

To register, send the registration form (pdf) to Brent Rudmann at brent.rudmann@noaa.gov, or telephone him at 757-627-3823. 

Downloadable Lesson Plans 

Clash of Armor (The Mariners’ Museum)

Mock Shipwreck (National Marine Sanctuary Program)

Iron Cheesebox (NOS)

Additional Lesson Plans

NOAA's Office of Ocean Exploration also has many lesson plans for students in grades 5-12 which focus objectives addressed during the USS Monitor expedition: marine archaeology, biodeterioration, and some of the technology used in deep-sea archaeological exploration. Click here to find the lesson plans listed below.

Wreck Detectives
Do You Have a Sinking Feeling?
I, Robot, Can Do That!
Looking for Clues
What's Eating Titanic?
Designing Tools for Ocean Exploration

Revised July 03, 2006 by Sanctuaries Web Team | Contact Us | For Employees | NMS Foundation
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