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Quagga and Zebra Mussels

A new Research Note on Filtration has been released by Reclamation. Field Evaluation of Filtration to Exclude Quagga Mussels from Power Plant Raw Water Systems looks at maintaining operation of the raw water supply at facilities. More...

Hold the Date: Reclamation to Host Western Invasive Mussel Management Workshop in MayThe Bureau of Reclamation will host the Western Invasive Mussel Management Workshop on May 5 and 6 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Participants will be able to learn how Reclamation and its partners have been addressing the quagga and zebra mussel infestation in the Colorado River and other western water bodies.

There will be several special presentations and four panels addressing issues of prevention and monitoring, control and mitigation, research, and outreach and education. Participants will take information from this conference and put it into work at their own facilities. More information...

Assessment of the Potential Impact of Invasive Mussels to Water and Power System Facilities and Structures and Recommendations for Control released for Pueblo Reservoir on the Arkanas River and Willow Creek Reservoir, Granby Reservoir, Shadow Mountain Reservoir, Grand Lake, and Lake Estes, Colorado-Big Thompson Project.

Research Notes have been released by Reclamation about Quagga and Zebra Mussels. Find out more information about coatings, water jetting, and more...

a photo of quagga mussels attached to a trash rack at Parker Dam
Photo taken on February 26, 2009 of Quagga Mussels attached to a trash rack at Parker Dam on the lower Colorado River.

Quagga and zebra mussels are now impacting Reclamation and other water facilities in the western United States like this penstock gate at Davis Dam on the lower Colorado River. Read more about what Reclamation is doing to combat these invasive mussels.

Reclamation is conducting several research projects to montior, control, and detect quagga and zebra mussels in western water bodies. See a listing of the various research projects.

Boaters and Recreationists should use extra caution when moving their boats and other recreation equipment between reservoirs, whether they are infected or not. Please make sure you clean, drain, and dry once you take out from one body of water and put-in at another body of water. Read more about prevention...



For More Information:

History and Background
Fact Sheets
News Releases
Congressional Testimony
Related Websites

Current Research Activities
Research Contacts

Activities by River Basin
Lower Colorado River


Map of western united states showing locations of mussel infestation in Reclamation waters

Last Updated: April 29, 2009