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"A Radon Guide for Tenants"

Note: EPA no longer updates this information, but it may be useful as a reference or resource.

A Radon Guide for Tenants

Environmental Law Institute (ELI) and
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


PDF Version (PDF, 10 pp, 50 KB About PDF)


Did You Know That...

Research shows that radon causes between 7,000 and 30,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the United States.

Over one-third of all housing units in this country are rental units. Most of these are either single family houses or apartments located below the third floor of a building.

People living in rented houses and apartment buildings can find out whether there are high levels of radon gas in their homes. Building owners can fix radon problems by having repairs made to the building.

The Environmental Law Institute (ELI) is a not-for-profit research, training and education organization. ELI does not litigate or lobby. It works to develop and apply environmental and public health strategies that make laws more effective.

This project has been funded wholly or in part by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement to the Environmental Law Institute. It has been subjected to the Agency's review. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.

Editor's Note: This on-line version of the printed document reflects minor changes in terminology.

Purpose of This Guide

This guide is for people who rent their apartments or houses. The guide explains what radon is, and how to find out if there is a radon problem in your home. The guide also talks about what you can do if there are high radon levels in your home.

State radon agencies and other organizations may be able to give you additional information or assistance. Some of those offices have other materials that may help you learn more about radon. For example, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed several booklets, including:

See how to order EPA publications below.

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What is Radon?

Radon is a radioactive gas that is found in soil and rock in all parts of the United States. It is formed by the decay of uranium, which is a natural process. Radon gas is invisible, and it has no odor or taste.

What Types of Buildings Contain Radon?

How Does Radon Affect Health?

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Does Your Home Have High Radon Levels?

EPA Recommends Testing All Homes Below the Third Floor

Because most indoor radon comes from naturally occurring radon in the soil, high indoor levels are more likely to exist below the third floor. This is why EPA recommends testing all homes below the third floor.

In some cases, high radon levels have been found at or above the third floor, due to radon movement through elevators or other air shafts in the building. If your apartment is at or above the third floor and you are concerned about this possibility, you could also decide to test for radon.

You cannot see, smell or taste radon. Therefore, testing is the only way to determine the radon level in your home.

Has Your Building Been Tested Already?

Can You Test for Radon Yourself?

Different Ways to Test For Radon

The quickest way to test for radon is with a short-term test. Short-term tests remain in your home for 2 days to 90 days, depending on the device. Long-term tests remain in your home for more than 90 days.

Because radon levels tend to vary from day to day and season to season, a long-term test is more likely to tell you your home's year-round average radon level than a short-term test.

To get more information about radon testing methods, call the National Radon Hotline at 1-800-SOS-RADON [1-800-767-7236].

How do you use a radon test kit?

It is important to follow the instructions that come with the kit. When you use any radon test, keep in mind:

What do radon test results mean?

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What Can You Do if Your Home has High Radon Levels?

Fixing a radon problem usually involves repairs to the building. Therefore, it is generally the building owner - and not the tenant - who is authorized to have this work done. However, if your home has high radon levels, you can take steps to see that the problem is fixed.

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What Can Building Owners Do About Radon Problems?

As mentioned earlier, rental property owners are usually responsible for keeping their properties in a safe and fit condition. There are steps that rental property owners can take to address the problem of high radon levels.

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Are Funds Available to Reduce High Radon Levels in Rental Housing?

To find out more about federal and state programs, or about how community groups have developed local projects to fix radon problems, owners and residents can contact the government agencies and organizations listed in this guide.

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Renter's Radon Checklist

If You Smoke . . .

Smoking combined with exposure to high radon levels is an even more serious health risk. If you smoke or are a former smoker, the presence of radon greatly increases your risk of lung cancer. If you stop smoking and lower your radon levels, you will reduce your lung cancer risk.

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For More Information

State Radon Contacts

www.epa.gov/iaq/whereyoulive.html (just click on your state)

Radon Information Hotlines

EPA supports the following hotlines to best serve consumers with radon-related questions and concerns.

Non-Governmental Organizations

In addition to the radon information hotlines, you can call the following organizations for information or assistance.

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Radon Testing

The following is an excerpt from EPA's Citizen's Guide to Radon:

EPA Recommends the Following Testing Steps:

Step 1

Take a short-term test. If your result is 4 pCi/L. or higher*, take a follow-up test (Step 2) to be sure.

Step 2

Follow up with either a long-term test or a second short-term test:

The higher your initial short-term test result, the more certain you can be that you should take a short-term rather than a long-term follow up test. If your first short-term test result is several times the action level - for example, about 10 pCi/L or higher - you should take a second short-term test immediately.

Step 3

* 0.02 Working Levels (WL) or higher.

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