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Career/Technical Education (CTE) Statistics

Postsecondary Taxonomy

The following exhibit lists the postsecondary taxonomy used to classify students’ majors and faculty members’ teaching fields. The postsecondary taxonomy links to the secondary school taxonomy that is used to classify high school students' coursetaking; a crosswalk illustrates the relationship. In addition, the postsecondary taxonomy is designed to link to the Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) codes, as indicated in the exhibit.

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Exhibit 1. Postsecondary taxonomy categories and Classification of Instruction Programs (CIP) 2000 codes, for academic education and career education: 2007
Postsecondary taxonomy categories CIP 2000 code
Liberal Arts (Academic) Education
Fine/performing arts (excludes design; includes dance,
  film/video/photographic arts, fine arts and music)
50., except 50.04
Foreign languages 16.
Liberal/general studies 24.
Philosophy and religion 38.
Interdisciplinary studies 30.
Letters/English 23.
Mathematics 27.
Biological/life sciences 26.
Physical sciences 40.
Social and behavioral sciences
Social sciences (includes anthropology, economics, geography,
  political science/government, and sociology)
Area/ethnic studies 05.
History 54.
Psychology 42.
Career Education (career/technical education at the subbaccalaureate level)
Agriculture and natural resources
Agriculture 01.
Natural resources/conservation 03.
Business management (includes accounting, entrepreneurship,
  finance management, and management information systems)
52., except 52.04, 52.14, 52.15, 52.18, 52.19
Business support 52.04
Communications and design
Communications technologies 10.
Design (includes commercial art, fashion design,
  and interior design)
Journalism and other communications 09.
Computer and information sciences 11
Education 13.
Engineering, architecture and science technologies
Architecture 04.
Engineering 14.
Engineering technologies 15.
Military technologies 29.
Science technologies 41.
Health sciences 51.
Marketing 52.14
Real estate 52.15
Sales and merchandising 52.18, 52.19
Consumer services
Family and consumer sciences (includes child care,
  family studies, and nutrition services)
19., except 19.09
Personal and culinary services 12.
Parks, recreation and fitness 31.
Protective services 43.
Public, legal, and social services
Law/legal studies 22.
Library sciences 25.
Public administration and social service 44.
Theology 39.
Manufacturing, construction, repair, and transportation
Apparel and textiles 19.09
Construction 46.
Repair 47.
Manufacturing 48.
Transportation 49.
SOURCE: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. (2002). Classification of Instructional Programs: 2000.
