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Datasets: NPSAS:2000 Graduate and First-Professional Students

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Student Financing of Graduate and First-Professional Education, 1999-2000

Executive summary figures
Figure A Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to type of degree and attendance pattern: 1999–2000 2,  2a

Figure B Percentage of all master's and doctoral degree students and of full-time, full-year students who received assistantships, by selected fields of study: 1999–2000

4a,  4b,  4c  4ai,  4bi,  4ci
Table A Percentage of full-time, full-year graduate and first-professional students who received any financial aid, grants, or loans and, for aided students, average amount, by type of degree and institution type: 1999–2000

19,  19a,  20  20a
Report figures
Figure 1 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to degree program and attendance pattern: 1999–2000 2,  2a

Figure 2 Percentage distribution of master's, doctoral, and first-professional students according to degree program: 1999–2000 18,  14,   15

Figure 3 Percentage distribution of master's students receiving various types of aid and average total aid, by type of degree: 1999–2000 21,  22,  23  24,  21t,  22t  23t,  24t,  20  60,  61,  62  26,  26a

Figure 4 Percentage distribution of doctoral students receiving various types of aid and average total aid, by type of degree: 1999–2000 21,  22,  23  24,  21t,  22t  23t,  24t,   20  60,  61,  62  26,  26a

Figure 5 Percentage distribution of first-professional students receiving various types of aid and average total aid: 1999–2000 21,  22,  23  24,  21t,  22t  23t,  24t,   20  60,  61,  62  26,  26a

Figure 6 Percentage distribution of all graduate and first-professional students, students with teaching assistantships, and students with research assistantships according to degree program: 1999–2000 16

Figure 7 Percentage of master's and doctoral degree students and of full-time, full-year students who received assistantships, by selected fields of study: 1999–2000 4a,  4b,  4c  4ai,  4bi,  4ci

Figure 8 Percentage of graduate and first-professional students who received assistantships, by type of assistantship and citizenship status: 1999–2000

Report tables
Table 1 Percentage distribution of master's degree students according to selected student, enrollment and employment characteristics, average age, and percentage who worked full time, by type of degree: 1999–2000 3,  9,  48,  11  1i,  45,  5  43_2

Table 2 Percentage distribution of doctoral degree students according to selected student, enrollment, and employment characteristics, average age, and percentage who worked full time, by type of degree: 1999–2000 3,  9,  48,  11  1i,  45,  5  43_2

Table 3 Percentage distribution of first-professional students according to selected student, enrollment, and employment characteristics, average age, and percentage who worked full time, by type of degree: 1999–2000 3,  9,  48,  11  1i,  45,  5  43_2

Table 4 Percentage of graduate and first-professional students with assistantships, by type of assistantship, degree program and type, and field of study: 1999–2000 4a,  4b,  4c  4ai,  4bi,  4ci

Table 5 For graduate and first-professional students with assistantships, average amount received, by type of assistantship, degree program and type, and field of study: 1999–2000 5a,  5b,  5c

Table 6 For full-time, full-year graduate and first-professional students with assistantships, average amount received, by type of assistantship, degree program and type, and field of study: 1999–2000 5ai,  5bi,  5ci

Table 7 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students with teaching and research assistantships according to the amount received by degree program and type and field of study: 1999–2000 6a,  6b,  6c  7a,  7b,  7c

Table 8 Percentage of graduate and first-professional students with teaching and research assistantships who received benefits or tuition discounts, by degree program and type and field of study: 1999–2000 8ta,  8tb,  8tc  8ra,  8rb,  8rc

Table 9 Percentage of full-time, full-year graduate and first-year professional students with grants and loans, and for those who received grants, loans, and tuition waivers, average amounts received, by degree program and type and field of study: 1999–2000 14a,  14b,  14c

Table 10 For full-time, full-year graduate and first-professional students with assistantships, average student budget and average amount borrowed, by amount of assistantship: 1999–2000 18a

Table 11 Percentage of graduate and first-professional teaching assistants who had various responsibilities, by degree program and type and field of study: 1999–2000 9a,  9b,  9c

Table 12 Of graduate and first-professional teaching assistants with various responsibilities, average hours per week spent on those responsibilities, by degree program and type and field of study: 1999–2000 11a,  11b,  11c

Table 13 Percentage of graduate and first-professional students with teaching assistantships who had various responsibilities, by type of responsibility: 1999–2000

Compendium tables
Table 1.1 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to institution type, by student and enrollment characteristics: 1999–2000 1,  1i,  1a,  1ai

Table 1.2 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to type of degree, by institution type and attendance pattern: 1999–2000 2,  2a

Table 1.3 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to gender and age and average age, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 3,  4,  5

Table 1.4 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to marital/dependent status, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 6

Table 1.5 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to race, and percentage who were Hispanic or Latino, by selected student, enrollment, and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 8,  8a

Table 1.6 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to citizenship, by selected student, enrollment, and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 9

Table 1.7 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to attendance intensity while enrolled, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000s 10

Table 1.8 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to attendance pattern, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 11,  11ma  11doc

Table 1.9 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to 1998 income and average total income, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 12,  12a,  13  13a

Table 1.10 Percentage distribution of master's degree students according to type of degree, by institution type, attendance pattern, and citizenship: 1999–2000 18

Table 1.11 Percentage distribution of doctoral and first-professional students according to type of degree, by institution type, attendance pattern, and citizenship: 1999–2000 14,  15

Table 1.12 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to major, by selected student, enrollment, and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 16,  16ma  16doc

Table 1.13 Average expenses for graduate and first-professional students, by attendance status, type of degree, and institution type: 1999–2000 17,  17b,  17c

Table 1.14 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to time between receiving bachelor's degree and beginning graduate program, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 48

Table 1.15 Percentage distribution of foreign/international students according to country of origin, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 54

Table 1.16 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to parents' highest education level, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 55

Table 1.17 Percentage of students with disabilities, percentage distribution of students with disabilities according to main disability, and the percentage of students who considered themselves to have a disability, by degree program: 1999–2000 56a,  56b

Table 2.1 Percentage of graduate and first-professional students who received financial aid, by type of aid, type of degree, institution type, and attendance pattern: 1999–2000 19,  19a,  19b  19ab

Table 2.2 Average amount of financial aid received by aided graduate and first-professional students, by type of aid, type of degree, institution type, and attendance pattern: 1999–2000 20,  20a

Table 2.3-A Percentage of graduate and first-professional students who received financial aid, by type of aid, type of degree, and selected student characteristics: 1999–2000 21,  22,  23  24,  21t,  22t  23t,  24t

Table 2.3-B 2.3-B Percentage of full-time, full-year graduate and first-professional students who received financial aid, by type of aid, type of degree, and selected student characteristics: 1999–2000 21a,  22a  23a,  24a  21at,  22at  23at,  24at

Table 2.4-A Average amount of financial aid received by aided graduate and first-professional students, by type of aid, type of degree, and selected student characteristics: 1999–2000 20,  60,  61  62

Table 2.4-B Average amount of financial aid received by aided full-time, full-year graduate and first-professional students, by type of aid, type of degree, and selected student characteristics: 1999–2000 25,  25a,  25b  25c

Table 2.5 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to aid package, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 26,  26a

Table 2.6 Average amount of aid received by aided graduate and first-professional students, by type of aid package and selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 27,  27a

Table 2.7 Percentage of graduate and first-professional students with Stafford loans and average amounts, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 28,  28a

Table 2.8 Percentage distributions of graduate and first-professional students according to subsidized and total Stafford loan borrowing, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 28,  28a  29_2,  29_2a  29_2b,  29_2c

Table 2.9 Percentage of graduate and first-professional students with loans from private sources and average amount borrowed, by level of Stafford loan program borrowing: 1999–2000 58

Table 2.10 Average aid ratios for aided graduate and first-professional students, by institution type and selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 31,  31a

Table 2.11 Average aid ratios for aided graduate and first-professional students with various sources and types of aid, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 49,  49a

Table 2.12 Percentage of graduate and first-professional students who ever borrowed Stafford or SLS loans for undergraduate or graduate education and average cumulative amounts borrowed, by type of degree and class level: 1999–2000 57,  57a,  57b

 Table 2.13 Percentage of graduate and first-professional students who had ever borrowed from any source for their graduate education, by graduate level in 1999–2000, type of degree, and institution type 52

Table 2.14 Average amount ever borrowed from any source by graduate and first-professional students for graduate education, by graduate level in 1999–2000, type of degree, and institution type 53

Table 2.15 Percentage of graduate and first-professional completers who had ever borrowed from any source for undergraduate and graduate education and cumulative amounts borrowed, by type of degree and institution type: 1999–2000 32

Table 3.1 Percentage of graduate and first-professional students who received financial aid, by source of aid, attendance pattern, type of degree, and institution type: 1999–2000 34,  34x,  34a  34ax

Table 3.2 Average amount of aid received by graduate and first-professional students, by source of aid, attendance pattern, type of degree, and institution type: 1999–2000 35,  35x,  35a  35ax

Table 3.3-A Percentage of graduate and first-professional students who received financial aid, by source of aid, type of degree, and selected student characteristics: 1999–2000 34,  34x,  36  36x,  37,  37x  38,  38x

Table 3.3-B Percentage of full-time, full-year graduate and first-professional students who received financial aid, by source of aid, type of degree, and selected student characteristics: 1999–2000 34a,  34ax  36a,  36ax  37a,  37ax  38a,  38ax

Table 3.4-A Average amount of financial aid received by aided graduate and first-professional students, by source of aid, type of degree, and selected student characteristics: 1999–2000 39,  39x  39_1,  39_1x  39_2,  39_2x  39t,  39tx

Table 3.4-B Average amount of financial aid received by aided full-time, full-year graduate and first-professional students, by source of aid, type of degree, and selected student characteristics: 1999–2000 39a,  39ax  39_1a  39_1ax  39_2a  39_2ax,  39at  39atx

Table 3.5 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to source of aid package, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 40,  40a

Table 3.6 Average amount of aid received by aided graduate and first-professional students, by source of aid and selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 41,  41a

Table 4.1 Percentage of graduate and first-professional students who worked while enrolled, average hours worked per week while enrolled, and percentage distribution according to hours worked per week, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 43,  43_2  43a,  43_2a

Table 4.2 Of graduate and first-professional students who worked while enrolled, percentage distribution according to intensity of work, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 44,  44a

Table 4.3 Percentage distribution of graduate and first-professional students according to primary role while enrolled and working, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 45,  45a

Table 4.4 Percentage of graduate and first-professional students who were employed and considered themselves primarily students working to meet expenses who reported various benefits of working and percentage distribution according to the effect on their grades, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 46,  46gr,  46a  46gra

Table 4.5 Percentage of graduate and first-professional students who were employed and considered themselves primarily students working to meet expenses who reported various drawbacks of working, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 47,  47a

Table 4.6 Percentage of graduate and first-professional students who were married, who had a spouse with income, and the spouse's average income, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 42,  42_1

Table 4.7 Percentage of graduate and first-professional students considering themselves primarily employees who reported various factors to be important considerations in their decision to enroll, by selected enrollment and institution characteristics: 1999–2000 63

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