What American Memory resources are included in this search?
Searches that begin from the American Memory Collections: Search All Collections search page or from any Collection Finder search page include detailed bibliographic records about most items. The full text for items in some collections is also included.
Within individual collections, additional options are available for searching or for browsing lists of names, places, or subjects (as appropriate for each collection). To use these features, follow links from the collection's home page.
Not included in any American Memory search are the collection Home Pages, background texts and illustrations, and the Learning Page texts. These may be searched, along with other Library of Congress texts, through the Library of Congress Search/Browse page. The Today in History Archive can be searched separately.
Other exceptions are listed below.
Manuscripts | Maps | Motion Pictures | Photos & Prints | Printed Texts | Sound Recordings
NOTE: Search engines outside of the Library of Congress may find many American Memory Home Pages and texts. However, the American Memory collection items and their descriptive records cannot usually be found by outside search engines.
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