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The Road Less Traveled? Students Who Enroll in Multiple Institutions

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Report Tables

Table A Percentage distribution (by columns) of 1995–96 beginning postsecondary students by the type of the first institution attended, according to multiple institution attendance pattern


Table 1 Percentage distribution (by columns) of 1995–96 beginning postsecondary students with various multiple institution attendance patterns

Table 2 Percentage distribution (by columns) of 1995–96 beginning postsecondary students by the level and type of the first institution attended, according to multiple institution attendance patterns


Table 3a Percentage of 1995–96 beginning postsecondary students in public 2-year institutions according to multiple institution attendance patterns, by student characteristics

Table 3b Percentage of 1995–96 beginning postsecondary students in public 2-year institutions according to multiple institution attendance patterns, by enrollment characteristics

Table 3c Percentage distribution of 1995–96 beginning postsecondary students in public 2-year institutions according to the highest degree attained and 6-year persistence and attainment status, by multiple institution attendance patterns and degree expectations

Table 3d Percentage of beginning postsecondary students in public 2-year institutions in 1995–96 with a bachelor’s degree goal who completed a bachelor’s degree according to the number of years to complete the degree, by multiple institution attendance patterns

Table 4a Percentage of 1995–96 beginning postsecondary students in 4-year institutions according to multiple institution attendance patterns, by student characteristics

Table 4b Percentage of 1995–96 beginning postsecondary students in 4-year institutions according to multiple institution attendance patterns, by enrollment characteristics

Table 4c Percentage distribution of 1995–96 beginning postsecondary students in 4-year institutions according to the highest degree attained and 6-year persistence and attainment status, by multiple institution attendance patterns and degree expectations

Table 4d Percentage of beginning postsecondary students in 4-year institutions in 1995–96 with a bachelor’s degree goal who completed a bachelor’s degree according to the number of years to completion, by multiple institution attendance patterns

Table 5 Percentage of 1995–96 beginning students in 4-year institutions with a bachelor’s degree goal who had attained a bachelor’s degree or were enrolled in 4-year institutions 6 years after first enrolling in postsecondary education, and the least squares coefficients and standard errors expressed as percentages

Table 6 Percentage distribution of 1999–2000 first-time bachelor’s degree recipients who enrolled in more than one institution during their undergraduate education according to purpose, by beginning institution type and number of institutions attended

Table 7a Percentage of 1999–2000 first-time bachelor’s degree recipients who began in public 2-year institutions who attended multiple institutions, by student and enrollment characteristics

Table 7b Among 1999–2000 first-time bachelor’s degree recipients who began in public 2-year institutions, percentage distribution according to time to degree and average time to completion, by multiple institution attendance patterns

Table 8a Percentage of 1999–2000 first-time bachelor’s degree recipients who began in 4-year institutions who attended multiple institutions, by student and enrollment characteristics

Table 8b Among 1999–2000 first-time bachelor’s degree recipients who began in public 4-year institutions, percentage distribution according to time to degree and average time to completion, by multiple institution attendance patterns

Table 8c Among 1999–2000 first-time bachelor’s degree recipients who began in private not-for-profit 4-year institutions, percentage distribution according to time to degree and average time to completion, by multiple institution attendance patterns

Table 9 Percentage of 1999–2000 first-time bachelor’s degree recipients who ever attended 2-year institutions and percentage distribution according to reason for doing so, by beginning institution type and number of institutions attended

Table 10 Percentage of 1999–2000 first-time bachelor’s degree recipients who reported transferring during their undergraduate education and percentage distribution according to reason for doing so, by beginning institution type and number of institutions attended

Table 11 Percentage of 1999–2000 first-time bachelor’s degree recipients who co-enrolled during their undergraduate education and percentage distribution according to reason for doing so, by beginning institution type and number of institutions attended

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