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Marine Research Laboratories

Marine Research Laboratories: Field sampling studies are critical in assessing effects of human activities on the ecological resources on the Pacific Northwest coast.

Equipped with state-of-the-art specialized analytical equipment, seawater culture chambers, constant temperature rooms, and fresh- and sea-water supply systems, this EPA facility supports research in marine fisheries, microbiology, marine biology, aquaculture, water chemistry, and oceanography. One specialized chamber housed in this laboratory allows scientists to manipulate hydrostatic pressure to evaluate the physiological effects of the pressure changes fish undergo during their capture. EPA scientists working in these laboratories are assessing the effects of human activities on the ecological resources of the region. Located on the Pacific Northwest coast, this facility offers a strategic setting from which scientist can investigate questions concerning estuarine nutrient budgets, biota-habitat relationships, and the effects of stressors on the region's coastal watershed.

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