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Marine Laboratories

Marine Laboratories: EPA helps develop new guidelines that will help your state and local government and beach managers protect the health of beachgoers.

The EPA's marine laboratories in Narragansett provide support for research into the ecological effects of human activities on the coastal waters and watersheds of the Atlantic seaboard. Ongoing research includes efforts to (1) monitor and assess the ecological condition of coastal ecosystems; (2) identify impaired waters and diagnose the causes of impairment; and (3) develop predictive models of population responses and ecological condition under varying stressor combinations and loads. Researchers interested in coastal marine ecology, aquatic toxicology, marine chemistry, and related topics will find the EPA's marine laboratories equipped with microcosms, a marine algae culture chamber, wet tables, high- and low-hazard testing areas, and a large suite of analytical equipment. Details about current research projects, such as a study about the effects of mercury exposure on wildlife and a study about the ecological effects of sediment contamination, are described at http://www.epa.gov/aed/html/research/.

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