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What To Do When You’re Sick Of Smoking, Chewing, Or Dipping

The Crazies

When you quit smoking, you may have to put up with some stuff like bad nerves and crabbiness for awhile. That’s because tobacco contains nicotine—a drug —and smokers get hooked on nicotine. When you quit, your body craves nicotine and you feel withdrawal symptoms: the Crazies.

Skate Boarder

How Bad Will it Be??

The Crazies usually last for 1–2 weeks after you quit. After that, your body begins to forget about nicotine and you start feeling better. For some people —like heavy smokers—the Crazies may be tougher and last longer.

Even after the Crazies are gone, there will be times you’ll still want to smoke. That’s because nicotine is a powerful addiction. Even after you quit, you can get hooked again with just a few cigarettes. The only way to be safe is to become a nonsmoker—for good.


Page last reviewed 02/28/2007
Page last modified 02/28/2007