Gray Wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains
Mountain-Prairie Region
Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery 2008 Interagency Annual Report

Annual Reports

Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery 2008 Interagency Annual Report Summary and Background
( 7 pages)

Wyoming Wolf Recovery 2008 Annual Report  
(46 pages, 800 KB PDF file)

Montana Gray Wolf Conservation and Management 2008 Annual Report
(159 pages, 6.8 megabyte PDF file)

Wolf Conservation and Management in Idaho Progress Report 2008
(106 page 6.8 megabyte PDF file)

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Northern Rocky Mountain Recovery Program Update 2008
( 44 pages )

Tables (not included in the documents above)

Table 1a: Montana Wolf Packs and Population Data for Montana's Portion of the Northwest Montana Recovery Area, 2008

Table 1b: Montana Wolf Packs and Population Data for Montana's Portion of the Greater Yellowstone Experimental Area, 2008

Table 1c: Montana Portion of the Central Idaho Experimental Area (Montana statewide totals): wolf packs and population data 2008

Tables 2a, b and c:

  • Wyoming Wolf Packs (Outside of Yellowstone National Park) and Population Data for Wyoming's Portion of the Greater Yellowstone Recovery Area, 2008
  • Yellowstone National Park (YNP) Wolf Packs and Population Data for YNP's Portion of the Greater Yellowstone Experimental Area, 2008
  • Wolf Population Data for the Greater Yellowstone Recovery Area, 2008

Tables 3a, b, c and d:

  • Idaho Wolf Packs and Population Data for Idaho's Portion of the Central Idaho Recovery Area, 2008
  • Idaho Wolf Packs and Population Data for Idaho's Portion of the Northwest Montana Recovery Area, 2008
  • Idaho Wolf Packs and Population Data for Idaho's Portion of Greater Yellowstone Experimental Area and Idaho Statewide totals, 2008
  • Wolf Population Data for the Central Idaho Experimental Area, 2008

Table 4a: Northern Rocky Mountain minimum fall wolf population and breeding pairs 1979-2008, by Federal Recovery Area

Table 4b: Northern Rocky Mountain minimum fall wolf population and breeding pairs 1979-2008, by State

Table 5a: Northern Rocky Mountain States confirmed wolf depredation, 1987-2008, by recovery area

Table 5b: Northern Rocky Mountain confirmed wolf depredation, 1987-2008, by State


Maps and Charts (not included in the documents above)

Figure 1. Central Idaho, Northwest Montana and Greater Yellowstone Wolf Recovery Areas

Figure 2. Northwest Montana Wolf Recovery Area

Figure 3. Greater Yellowstone Wolf Recovery Area

Figure 4. Central Idaho Wolf Recovery Area

Figure 5. Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Population Trends, by Recovery Area 1979-2008

Figure 6. Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Population Trends by State 1979-2008

Last updated: March 17, 2009