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Program Documents
ETC Charter (PDF) (3 pp, 20 KB)
Memorandum, Establishing an Environmental Technology Council (PDF) (2 pp, 32 KB)
Report to Congress, Coordination of Programs That Foster Public and Private Sector Development of Environmental Technologies (PDF) (12 pp, 56 KB)

National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology (NACEPT) Documents
EPA Technology Programs: Engaging the Marketplace (PDF) (72 pp, 1.3 MB) (EPA/130/R-07/004) May 2007
EPA Technology Programs and Intra-Agency Coordination (PDF) (59 pp, 1.23 MB) (EPA/100/R-06/004) May 2006
EPA and the Venture Capital Community: Building Bridges to Commericalize Technology (PDF) (100 pp, 1.9 MB) (EPA/600/R-08/043) April 2008

National Science and Technology Council Documents
A Strategy for Federal Science and Technology to Support Water Availability and Quality in the United States (PDF) (46 pp, 3.11 MB) September 2007

Action Team Documents
ETC Action Team Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) (PDF) (1 p, 12 KB) October 2006
Progress Report, Particulate Matter (PM) Continuous Monitors (PDF) (2 pp, 12 KB) September 2006
Progress Report, Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Initiative (PDF) (2 pp, 12 KB) September 2006
Progress Report, Lead Paint (PDF) (2 pp, 24 KB) August 2006
Progress Report, Pesticide Spray Drift-Reduction Technologies: Verification and Incentives for Use (PDF) (3 pp, 16 KB) September 2006
Progress Report, Rapid Detection of Microbial Contamination of Water (PDF) (3 pp, 28 KB) September 2006
Progress Report, Recovering the Value of Waste for Environmental and Energy Sustainability (PDF) (4 pp, 32 KB) September 2006
Progress Report, Remote Sensing (PDF) (5 pp, 20 KB) September 2006
Progress Report, Technologies Promoting the Sustainable Use of Contaminated Sediments and the Beneficial Use of Waste-Related Materials (PDF) (3 pp, 16 KB) September 2006
Progress Report, Urban Runoff (PDF) (2 pp, 24 KB) September 2006

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Brochures, Handbooks
Environmental Technology Advocate Handbook (PDF) (77 pp, 3.04 MB) December 2007

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See Also

Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Program Publications

Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program Publications


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