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  Image: A discussion between two peoplePartnerships are integral to the success of EPA’s environmental technology efforts. These alliances are necessary for technologies to move from early research to actual deployment. Partners contribute needed expertise, creativity, market knowledge, and resources. EPA forms partnerships and leads them but also joins existing partnerships led by others to further its mission.

The Research and Development Continuum is used for strategic partnership planning. The continuum helps to identify the need for partners at different stages during the research and development process. This way, EPA can better target its resources toward either supporting existing partnerships or establishing new ones.

Partnerships With Other Federal Agencies – EPA joins successful initiatives that already exist in other government agencies at all levels to further commercialization of environmental technology. EPA expands the successful partnerships in which it now participates and looks for opportunities to create relationships to resolve environmental issues with new or existing technologies.

Partnerships With State, Local, and Tribal Governments – State, local, and tribal government regulators play a major role in technology implementation, so much so, that EPA has established ways for them to provide significant and ongoing input into EPA’s environmental technology strategies. In turn, EPA provides information and training on new technologies. Collaborating with state, local, and tribal governments increases coordination and cooperation within and across all levels of government, and it helps to move technologies from research to commercialization.

Partnerships With the Private Sector – There are a lot of players in the private sector: research organizations, scientists and engineers, industries, trade and professional associations, small business incubators, entrepreneurs, technology developers and vendors, testing organizations, venture capital investors, regulators and permit writers, developers and vendors, and purchasers and users of new technologies.

EPA uses the Environmental Technology Verification Program’s broad verification process to include these players along the continuum. ETOP’s Action Teams use the process as well. The process draws together all segments of the marketplace to discuss the opportunities and roadblocks of bringing specific classes of technologies to commercialization.

Partnerships With Academia – EPA has established partnerships with academia. One such collaboration is with the University of Massachusetts, which has developed a searchable database containing validated performance data and technical information on innovative storm water treatment technologies.


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