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Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and
Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association of America (CSDA)
April 4, 2007

I. Alliance Background

Date Signed

March 16, 2006

Evaluation Period

March 17, 2006 – March 16, 2007


The OSHA and CSDA Alliance is providing CSDA members and other sawing and drilling operators with information, guidance and access to training resources that will help them protect employees' health and safety. Through the Alliance, the organizations are addressing highway work zone hazards, motor vehicle safety and respiratory protection for hazards associated with silica.

Implementation Team Members

Michael Buchet
Jess McCluer
Danezza Quintero
Directorate of Construction (DOC)
Office of Outreach Services and Alliances
Susan Hollingsworth
Patrick O'Brien
Tom Stowell
Executive Director
Vice President

II. Implementation Team Meetings
March 16, 2006
September 20, 2006
December 13, 2006
Kick-off Meeting, Washington, DC
Meeting, Teleconference
Meeting, Teleconference

In addition to these formal meetings, the Alliance coordinators from both groups maintained regular contact throughout the reporting period to monitor the Alliance's progress and results.

III. Results
  1. Events and Products

    Outreach and Communication Goals

    • Work with OSHA to provide expertise in developing information on the recognition and prevention of workplace hazards, and to provide expertise in developing ways of communicating such information (e.g. print and electronic media, electronic assistance tools and OSHA's and the CSDA's Web sites) to employers and employees in the industry.

    OSHA and CSDA Alliance Web page

    OSHA developed an OSHA and CSDA Alliance Web page that is posted on the Agency's Web site that includes the OSHA and CSDA Alliance agreement, news releases, and milestones and successes. This Web page is updated on a regular basis.

    CSDA Web site (

    CSDA created a CSDA and OSHA Alliance Web page on its Web site. The page has information on the OSHA and CSDA Alliance along with links to OSHA's Web site including: Safety and Health Topics pages, Compliance Assistance: Hispanic Employers and Workers Web page, Hispanic and Youth Outreach Compliance Assistance material and the On-site Consultation Program.

    Publications and Newsletters

    Information on the activities of the OSHA and CSDA Alliance have appeared in a number of printed and online publications, including: BNA Occupational Safety and Health Reporter, Chicagoland Construction News, Concrete Current, CSDA News, CONCRETE Monthly, Concrete Openings, Construction & Demolition Recycling Magazine, Facilities Management News, IHS, PDi Magazine, Risk Control Issues NewsBrief, Safety & Health, Southeast Construction: Industry News, and US Newswire. For more information on the articles, see the "Alliance Program Reach."

    Concrete and Concrete Products – Manufacturing and Construction Safety and Health Topics page

    The following CSDA representatives serve on the Concrete and Concrete Products – Manufacturing and Construction Safety and Health Topics editorial board:

      • Susan Hollingsworth, Holes Incorporated, CEO; Houston, TX
      • Pat O'Brien, CSDA, Executive Director; St. Petersburg, FL
    • Speak, exhibit, or appear at OSHA's or CSDA's conferences, meetings and major industry trade shows such as the annual CSDA convention and annual World of Concrete.

    World of Concrete 2007, January 22-26, 2007, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada

    On January 22-26, 2007, OSHA Region IX, Nevada OSHA, and the Nevada On-site Consultation Program shared an exhibit booth with CSDA at the World of Concrete in Las Vegas, Nevada. OSHA provided compliance assistance and Alliance Program publications, including the OSHA and CSDA Alliance Activities Summary, which were distributed to the attendees during the event.

    On January 24, 2007, Stew Burkhammer, Director, Office of Construction Services (OCS), DOC, USDOL-OSHA, spoke to 75 attendees during the "Outreach Programs for Construction" seminar. The session provided a construction industry regulatory update and highlighted the benefits of participating within OSHA's cooperative programs, including the Alliance Program.

    • Share information among OSHA personnel and industry safety and health professionals regarding CSDA's best practices or effective approaches and publicize results through outreach by CSDA and through OSHA -or CSDA- developed materials, training programs, workshops, seminars, and lectures (or any other applicable forum including outreach events).

    CSDA Best Practices for Sawing and Drilling Operations: Highway Workzone Safety Best Practices Fact Sheet

    Through the Alliance, OSHA and CSDA developed a fact sheet; ‘Highway Workzone Safety Best Practices." It identifies hazards associated with sawing and cutting adjacent to a highway work zone and safe work practices to help reduce or eliminate the risk of injuries or illnesses. The fact sheet was completed and posted on CSDA's Web page in January 2007. A link to the fact sheet was also added to the OSHA and CSDA Alliance Web page on the Agency's Web site in January 2007.

    • Promote and encourage CSDA members participation in OSHA's cooperative programs such as compliance assistance, the Voluntary Protection Programs, and the Consultation Program and its Safety and Health Achievement Recognition Program.

      The OSHA and CSDA Alliance Implementation Team has not started work on programs or projects to address this goal.
    Promoting the National Dialogue on Workplace Safety and Health Goals

    • Develop and disseminate case studies illustrating the business value of safety and health and publicize their results.

      The OSHA and CSDA Alliance Implementation Team has not started work on programs or projects to address this goal.

    • Convene or participate in forums, roundtable discussions, or stakeholder meetings on highway work zone safety, motor vehicle safety and respiratory protection for hazards associated with silica to help forge innovative solutions in the workplace.

      The OSHA and CSDA Alliance Implementation Team has not started work on programs or projects to address this goal.
  2. Executive Summary

    During the OSHA and CSDA Alliance's first year a productive working relationship was established between the organizations. OSHA learned more about the concrete sawing and drilling industry and CSDA learned more about the compliance assistance resources that the Agency has developed. The OSHA and CSDA Alliance has also helped to identify and develop compliance assistance safety and health information that is specific to the industry.

    For example, this positive relationship led to the development of the CSDA Best Practices for Sawing and Drilling Operations: Highway Workzone Safety Best Practices fact sheet. It identifies hazards associated with sawing and cutting adjacent to a highway work zone and safe work practices to help reduce or eliminate the risk of injuries or illnesses. The fact sheet was completed and posted on CSDA's Web page in January 2007. A link to the fact sheet was added to the OSHA and CSDA Alliance Web page on the Agency's Web site.

    In addition, OSHA and CSDA representatives are sharing their expertise through participation on OSHA's electronic assistance tools' editorial boards and speaking and exhibiting opportunities. For example:

    • CSDA representatives are serving on the editorial board for the Concrete and Concrete Products- Manufacturing and Construction Safety and Health Topics page.

    • On January 22-26, 2007, OSHA Region IX, Nevada OSHA and the Nevada On-site Consultation Program shared an exhibit booth with CSDA during the World of Concrete in Las Vegas, Nevada.

    • On January 24, 2007, Stew Burkhammer, Director, OCS, DOC, USDOL-OSHA, spoke to 75 attendees during the "Outreach Programs for Construction" seminar.
    CSDA also promotes the activities of the OSHA and CSDA Alliance and OSHA's compliance assistance resources and cooperative programs through articles the association publishes in its monthly newsletter, CSDA News and monthly magazine, Concrete Openings.

    In addition, CSDA created a CSDA and OSHA Alliance Web page on its Web site. It has information on the OSHA and CSDA Alliance along with links to OSHA's Web site including the cooperative programs and compliance assistance resources, Safety and Health Topics pages, Compliance Assistance: Hispanic Employers and Workers Web page, Hispanic and Youth Outreach Compliance Assistance material and the On-site Consultation Program.

  3. Alliance Program Reach
Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
OSHA and CSDA Alliance Web site on OSHA's Web page 6,245
CSDA and OSHA Alliance Web page Data Not Available
Concrete and Concrete Products- Manufacturing and Construction Safety and Health Topics page 13,909
February 2007 – "CSDA/OSHA Alliance Adds Safety Series," CONCRETE Monthly Data Not Available
January 22-26, 2007, World of Concrete, Las Vegas, Nevada

Alliance Program Exhibit
January 24, 2007, World of Concrete, Las Vegas, Nevada

"Outreach Programs for Construction"

Speaker: Stew Burkhammer, Director, Office of Construction Services, DOC, USDOL-OSHA
December 11, 2006 – "World of Concrete Organizers Eye New Record," Concrete Currents Data Not Available
December 2006 – Concrete Openings

"Free Seminar at WOC 2007"

"President's Page"

"Free Seminar by CSDA/OSHA Alliance"

"CSDA/OSHA Alliance Resources"
September 2006 – "CSDA/OSHA Alliance Presents Free Seminar at Work of Concrete 2007," Concrete Openings 15,639
August 14, 2006 – "CSDA and OSHA Provide Free Seminar at World of Concrete 2007," Construction & Demolition Recycling Magazine Data Not Available
June-August 2006 –"CSDA/OSHA Alliance Provides Free Seminar at the World of Concrete in 2007" PDi Magazine Data Not Available
July 17, 2006 – "CSDA/OSHA Alliance Provides Free Seminar at the World of Concrete in 2007," CSDA News Release 250 publications
July 13, 2006 – "Concrete Industry Compliance Resource Available," BNA Occupational Safety and Health Reporter Data Not Available
July 2006 – "OSHA Posts Concrete Safety and Health Topics Web Page," Concrete Currents Data Not Available
June 2006 – "CSDA, OSHA Partner to Improve Safety, Health," CONCRETE Monthly Data Not Available
June 2006 – "Alliance Focuses on Highway Construction Hazards, Silica," Safety + Health Data Not Available
May 2006 – "OSHA Forms Alliance with CSDA," Southeast Construction: Industry News Data Not Available
May 2006 – "OSHA Alliance Focuses on Highway Construction Hazards, Silica," Safety + Health Data Not Available
April 24, 2006 – "OSHA Forms Alliances with Brick, Concrete Industries," Facilities Management News Data Not Available
April 7, 2006 – "OSHA Forms Alliances with BIA, CSDA," IHS Data Not Available
April 3, 2006 – "OSHA, Sawing Group Eye Silica Exposure in Alliance," Concrete Currents Data Not Available
April 1, 2006 – "OSHA Forms Alliance with CSDA," CSDA News Release 250 publications
April 1, 2006 – OSHA includes information on the OSHA/CSDA Alliance signing in QuickTakes 52,805
April 2006 – "Two National Alliances Formed with OSHA, Another Renewed," Risk Control Issues NewsBrief Data Not Available
March 16, 2006 – "OSHA Aligns with Association," Chicagoland Construction News Data Not Available
March 16, 2006 – "OSHA Forms Alliance with Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association; Will Focus on Highway Work Zone Hazards," U.S. Newswire Data Not Available
March 14, 2006 – "OSHA Forms Alliance with Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association," OSHA News Release 69 News Services
TOTAL 194,312

IV. Upcoming Milestones

The OSHA and CSDA Alliance Implementation Team has discussed a number of activities that will be undertaken in the upcoming year. For example, CSDA will work with OSHA to develop silica and motor vehicles best practices fact sheets for employees and employers in the concrete sawing and drilling industry. In addition, OSHA will draft an article addressing fall protection for an upcoming edition of CSDA's monthly magazine, Concrete Openings.

CSDA's representatives will also continue to provide their expertise to OSHA by serving on the OSHA Concrete and Concrete Products – Manufacturing and Construction Safety and Health Topics editorial board.

Also, the association will invite OSHA representatives to exhibit and speak at the World of Concrete, January 21-25 2008 in Las Vegas, Nevada. In addition, CSDA will invite OSHA representatives to speak at the CSDA Annual Convention March 4-8, 2008 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Finally, the organization will continue to promote OSHA compliance assistance materials and the OSHA and CSDA Alliance through its Web site and articles in Concrete Openings and its newsletter, CSDA News.

Report prepared by: Jess McCluer, Alliance Coordinator, Office of Outreach Services and Alliances, April 4, 2007

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Page last updated: 02/08/2008