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Table 10. Estimated numbers of persons living with AIDS, by year and selected characteristics, 2000–2004—United States
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  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Age as of end of year (yrs)
<13 2,843 2,611 2,353 2,034 1,695
1314 513 640 718 759 776
1519 1,212 1,355 1,569 1,789 2,043
2024 3,732 3,846 4,045 4,479 4,942
2529 14,081 13,338 13,036 13,170 13,721
3034 40,392 38,347 36,636 35,058 33,669
3539 72,320 73,246 72,596 70,827 68,389
4044 71,600 77,379 83,415 89,732 95,874
4549 53,835 60,650 67,393 74,451 81,636
5054 31,610 37,146 43,019 48,934 56,336
5559 14,859 17,683 21,159 25,376 30,033
6064 7,230 8,496 10,256 11,988 14,228
≥ 65 5,950 7,036 8,300 9,880 11,850
White, not Hispanic 119,420 125,279 131,672 138,238 145,935
Black, not Hispanic 132,090 142,552 153,512 165,246 178,233
Hispanic 63,894 68,673 73,463 78,557 84,001
Asian/Pacific Islander 2,612 2,893 3,242 3,638 4,045
American Indian/Alaska Native 1,099 1,187 1,288 1,404 1,506
Transmission category
      Male adult or adolescent
~~  Male-to-male sexual contact 142,069 151,511 161,937 173,086 185,326
~~  Injection drug use 57,778 60,150 62,335 64,432 67,091
~~  Male-to-male sexual contact and injection drug use 22,603 23,293 23,953 24,627 25,367
~~  Heterosexual contact 22,568 25,480 28,738 32,071 35,671
~~  Othera 3,708 3,833 3,954 4,057 4,242
      Subtotal 248,726 264,267 280,917 298,272 317,698
      Female adult or adolescent
~~  Injection drug use 26,656 27,924 28,955 30,033 31,472
~~  Heterosexual contact 39,121 43,708 48,559 53,947 59,599
~~  Othera 1,824 1,977 2,125 2,282 2,494
      Subtotal 67,601 73,610 79,639 86,262 93,566
      Child(<13 yrs at diagnosis)
~~  Perinatal 3,706 3,753 3,799 3,807 3,797
~~  Otherb 142 142 140 134 131
      Subtotal 3,848 3,895 3,939 3,941 3,927
Region of residence
Northeast 96,201 102,283 107,464 112,960 120,099
Midwest 31,825 34,128 36,808 40,104 43,368
South 118,784 127,996 138,386 149,159 161,759
West 64,221 67,797 71,957 76,003 79,547
U.S. dependencies, possessions, and associated nations 9,146 9,570 9,881 10,251 10,419
Totalc 320,177 341,773 364,496 388,477 415,193
Note. These numbers do not represent reported case counts. Rather, these numbers are point estimates, which result from adjustments of reported case counts. The reported case counts are adjusted for reporting delays and for redistribution of cases in persons initially reported without an identified risk factor. The estimates do not include adjustment for incomplete reporting.
a Includes hemophilia, blood transfusion, perinatal, and risk factor not reported or not identified.
b Includes hemophilia, blood transfusion, and risk factor not reported or not identified.
c Includes persons of unknown race or multiple races and persons of unknown sex. Because column totals were calculated independently of the values for the subpopulations, the values in each column may not sum to the column total.
spacerLast Modified: January 9, 2006
Last Reviewed: January 9, 2006
Content Source:
Divisions of HIV/AIDS Prevention
National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention


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